LOWONGANKERJA15.COM - Lowongan kerja BUMN terbaru Indofarma, PT Indofarma (Persero) Tbk is one of the State Owned Enterprises engaged in the field of Pharmacy. The company was established since 1918 in Jakarta to produce a wide range of pharmaceutical products. One of our production is a popular generic drugs to meet the needs of the drug in the country. PT Indofarma (Persero) into a useful drug industry to encourage national health prtumbuhan. The company has a stock and assets held by the Government of Indonesia with the slogan Rational Option for Healthy. We are able to produce various kinds of generic drugs ready to be marketed through health centers, hospitals, village clinics, to pharmacies. In building a contribution of generic drugs to customers, Indofarma formed a subsidiary called PT Indofarma Global Medika. The company has a special effort in the distribution of drugs and medical devices. All products of generic drugs and medical devices that come from the manufacturer Indofarma didistributor by PT Indofarma Global Medika throughout Indonesia through more than 300 branches. Baca juga Loker ExxonMobil
PT Indofarma (Persero) Tbk kembali memberikan kesempatan berkarir kepada putra putri indonesia dengan peluang kerja sebagai Dokter Poliklinik Umum melalui Lowongan Kerja PT Indofarma (Persero) Tbk Tahun 2016 sebagai berikut
Dokter Poliklinik Umum (Kode: DPU)
Dokter Poliklinik Umum (Kode: DPU)
- Female or Male
- Minimal Pendidikan S1 Dokter Umum
- Pelamar pastinya pernah mengikuti Pelatihan Hiperkes dan Keselamatan Kerja serta sudah pernah mengikuti Pelatihan ATLS, Pelatihan ACLS, dan Pelatihan EKG
Apabila anda tertarik dengan posisi jabatan Dokter Poliklinik Umum diatas silakan kirimkan surat lamaran, Daftar riwayat Hidup, dan pas photo terakhir (3 x 4) melalui alamat email berikut : recruitment@indofarma.co.id atau Daftar, selambat lambatnya hingga tanggal 4 maret 2016 mendatang. Jangan lupa untuk menuliskan kode posisi di subyek email. Hanya kandidat terbaiklah yang akan kami proses. Terimakasih.
Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Indofarma (Persero) Tbk Tahun 2016
Reviewed by MCH
February 25, 2016

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