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Giving Thanks


Our minds are wandering all the time. 

It is very difficult for most of us to stay focused. 

A recent Ted Talk on this topic reminded me of why mindfulness and being in THIS MOMENT is a rich source of happiness for me and my life. No one has a perfect life. We want to be richer, taller, smarter and on and on. Yet in each moment, when I am fully present, I can find how happy I am to be alive. I can enjoy all of the joys of this very moment and the abundance I have right now. 

This Moment

My family is healthy and thriving. 

I can breathe freely. 

A smile from a co-worker can make me feel appreciated. 

My work is satisfying and the project I am focused on is creative, productive and challenging. 

 The tea I am drinking called Desert Sage has a wonderful fragrance.

 I can walk without impairment. 

 An email that arrives from a friend reminds me of an important connection. 

 Quiet in the morning is a gift that I am learning to relish. 

 Fresh rosemary, when rubbed between my fingers gives off a scent from the oils that makes me feel satisfied and fulfilled. 

 Warm water in a shower relaxes me. 

 I vacuum the house not as a chore but as a momentary gesture to my space to keep things in order. 

 I drink a glass of water and its stillness and quenching factor are pure and simple. 

Want to be happier? Stay in the Moment
 Watch this short Ted Talk about happiness by Matt Killingsworth. 

He is a scientist studying happiness and his talk reminds me of all the grace and thanksgiving I have in my life. Matt has done a scientific study of what causes happiness using an interesting app called

From the data, he believes that mind wandering can be part of the problem. He has 650,000 pieces of data confirming this notion. This talk resonated with me and I want to share it right this moment. 

 Can you give thanks every day, every hour and every moment? Just take 30 second and take a few deep breathes and feel how fortunate and blessed you are right now. 

Enjoy this moment. 

Giving Thanks Giving Thanks Reviewed by MCH on November 26, 2014 Rating: 5

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