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Steps To Make a Simple Client in java

Write down the steps of make Client on Java Client Server application.

Steps – To Make a Simple Client
 To make a client, process can be split into 5 steps. These are:

1. Import required package You have to import two packages

2. Connect / Open a Socket with Server
Create a client socket (communication socket)
Socket s = new Socket(“serverName”, serverPort) ;
 serverName : Name or address of the server you wanted to connect such as or etc. For testing if you are running client and server on the same machine then you can specify “localhost” as the name of server .

serverPort : Port number you want to connect to The scheme is very similar to our home address and then phone number.

 3. Get I/O Streams of Socket Get input & output streams connected to your socket . For reading data from socket As stated above, a socket has input stream attached to it.

InputStream is = s.getInputStream();

 // now to convert byte oriented stream into character oriented buffered reader
// we use intermediary stream that helps in achieving above stated purpose

 InputStreamReader isr= new InputStreamReader(is);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);

. For writing data to socket A socket has also output stream attached to it. Therefore,

OutputStream os = s.getOutputStream();
// now to convert byte oriented stream into character oriented print writer
// here we will not use any intermediary stream because PrintWriter constructor  directly

accepts an object of OutputStream

PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(os, true);

 Here notice that true is also passed to so that output buffer will flush.

4. Send / Receive Message Once you have the streams, sending or receiving messages isn’t a big task. It’s very much similar to the way you did with files . To send messages . To read messages

5. Close Socket pw.println(“hello world”);

String recMsg = br.readLine();

Don’t forget to close the socket, when you finished your work s.close();
Steps To Make a Simple Client in java Steps To Make a Simple Client in java Reviewed by MCH on April 27, 2014 Rating: 5

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