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New HDR Imaging Book

SPIE Press is about to publish HDR imaging book:

High Dynamic Range Imaging: Sensors and Architectures
Author: Arnaud Darmont
Estimated Publish Date: 31 January 2013
ISBN: 9780819488305

Its most interesting part reviews the HDR sensor architectures:

3 Hardware Methods to Extend the Dynamic Range
3.1 Introduction: Integrating Linear Pixels
      3.1.1 Rolling-shutter pixel architecture
      3.1.2 Global-shutter pixel architecture
      3.1.3 SNR and dynamic range study
3.2 Multilinear Pixels
      3.2.1 Principle
      3.2.2 How can multiple segments be practically realized?
      3.2.3 Multiple segments method based on well sizing
      3.2.4 Dynamic compression
      3.2.5 SNR and dynamic range study
3.3 Multiple Sampling
3.4 Multiple-Sensing Nodes
3.5 Logarithmic Pixels
3.6 Logarithmic Photovoltaic Pixel
3.7 Time to Saturation
3.8 Gradient-Based Image
3.9 Light to Frequency
3.10 Other Methods
3.11 Multiple Readout Gains
3.12 Multiple-Exposure Windows
3.13 Summary
3.14 Companding ADCs
3.15 Extended Dynamic Range Color Imaging
3.16 Sensors Used in Applications
New HDR Imaging Book New HDR Imaging Book Reviewed by MCH on January 06, 2013 Rating: 5

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