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EU top politicians: Science: It's a girl thing

A reader named Cristian has sent me a link to the following 1-minute video produced by the European Commission, a sort of a federal government of Europe (thanks!):

The original copy of the video was made "private" after a day.

They even created a special domain for this project, Science is all about the lipsticks and expensive shoes, we learn.

After a thousand of views, the video has received over 1,000 unhelpful votes against 35 helpful ones: someone had to work hard to fool the voting system. ;-)

First, I don't have to explain you that the video has nothing to do with the reality. Science is not about lipsticks. The video only mentions one narrow scientific discipline: cosmetics, the science how to extract a maximum amount of money from (typical) irrational women and equally irrational (metrosexual) men who are inclined to pay lots of money for stinky vitriols and other chemical compounds if they're combined with "brands" and other things properly. But much like most of the scientific research, the research in this discipline is mostly done by men, too. The likes of Maria Sharapova usually play a different role in this industry than the scientific one. ;-)

Science isn't a girl thing; it is mostly a boy thing. While the percentage of contributions that were made by women to the science was rather low, all circumstantial evidence suggests that it continues to decrease as science is getting increasingly more technical. So even though our modern society – unlike the Islamic societies – guarantees absolutely the same rights to men and women to pursue science (in fact, it gives women lots of advantages these days just because it's fashionable and this video is just another example of the advantages that female prospective and current scientists enjoy), the resulting composition inevitably deviates from 50:50. It hugely deviates, indeed.

This thing has been said many times but again: The statistical distributions of innate aptitude to do mathematics and physical sciences differs between men and women. The average equivalent IQ is about 3 points higher for men but this is actually not the important part of the differences. Most of the gender asymmetry in maths and sciences in the professional world and especially at the top level boils down to different widths of the distributions. The male IQ distribution is about 10% wider than the female one. It has a huge impact on the number of men vs women whose IQ or math skills are very high or very low. For example, a female Fields medal winner is predicted to emerge once per century. We're still waiting for the first one and it's inevitable for the first one to be accused of having been "helped" even if she will deserve it.

If you look at Google News, you will instantly find something amazing. People passionately protest against the video. But it's not for the reason you would expect – it's not because it's one kitschy minute of lies because science is mostly a male game. Some people protest because the most hardcore feminists in the world today think that while science is a girl thing, lipsticks are not!

Just look at the Huffington Post UK where Lucy Sherriff collects the voices of some these most unhinged feminists. There seems to be a battle within the feminist movement: is the lipstick a girl thing?

The answer is Yes, of course. So the EU social engineers – probably mostly men and some masculinized female bureaucrats – who want to link science to lipsticks at least gave the correct answer to one question: Are lipsticks a girl thing? They correctly answered Yes, unlike the angry feminists. They're right that one of the things that many girls dislike about science is the shortage of lipstick in science. ;-) However, both groups of feminists still gave a wrong answer to the question: Is science a girl thing?

Moreover, the ultimate movie about "science is a girl thing" has already been shot. It's the best Polish comedy ever, Sexmission.

The video above is the full film in the Czech dubbing. It seems that all copies with English subtitles have been removed.

Two males undergo a hibernation experiment that should last a few years. However, because of some political chaos, the society forgets about them and they're woken up in 2044 or so, in a society with no men left. Women who live under the ground (being terrified by – untrue – propaganda about some lethal radiation on the surface, so tightly analogous to the global warming fearmongering) eat pills to transform their sexual desires into career instincts. The totalitarian system in the society has rewritten the history, too.

For example, go to 0:55:00 or so in this 2-hour movie. The trial against the two guys starts; it ends with the naturalization (castration) verdict, if you care, and they manage to escape with the help of one woman, Lamia, who sees the light (and who has sex with one of the guys at the end). The chairwoman of the civilization is fake, of course. It is the only (impotent) man who has naturally survived including his penis because his mother was hiding him. He eventually joined the Women's League and because of his talents and good artificial tits, the ladies elected him the Ms Excellency at some point.

During the trial, we learn that the women are not only taught that the essence of the relationship between men and women was a constant torture of women by the men; Einstein was also a woman. Copernicus was a woman, too. I don't want to describe the movie again – I have done so several times on this blog, anyway.

But no EU bureaucrats can come anywhere close to this description of "science is a girl thing" that is both true, deep, and describing not just feminism but also many other pathological tendencies in the communist Polish society of the early 1980s as well as the present politically correct society of the West.

Although the EU bureaucrats are right that the lipstick and heels is what many girls don't find in science, they're preposterous if they believe that the laws of biology may be fooled when it comes to men's and women's interest in science. You can't change those things, at least not within years. And when it comes to girls who are ready to be attracted to science because they like the lipstick in a promotional EU video, I would say that not only they will be incapable to do anything in science. They should better be prevented from getting a driving license and similar things, too.

The video also shows how easy it is to waste taxpayers' money for ideologically loaded yet futile stupidities.

And that's the memo.
EU top politicians: Science: It's a girl thing EU top politicians: Science: It's a girl thing Reviewed by DAL on June 22, 2012 Rating: 5

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