If you are just tuning in check out the intro to this series here.
Here are just a few of the many ideas I sent over.
My client wanted some subtle pattern but she kept finding herself drawn to natural fibers like jute and sisal. We finally decided on going with a Fallon rug with a shag on top of it. Something similar to this.
Here is a picture she sent me of the day she got the shag rug.
photo via Alice Lane Home Collection
I thought at least this way we could get some pattern while keeping things textured and soft underfoot.
Here is a picture she sent me of the day she got the shag rug.
After living with the shag rug for awhile she decided it just wasn't the "one". I also agreed that we needed something different.
We finally decided on this one which I blogged about here. We loved it. To this day it remains one of my favorite rugs.
Another thing on the list was a meaningful piece of art. She also was able to find a piece of art that she loved at a consignment shop by Dietrich Grunewald.
It had all the right colors so we were pretty excited about it.
As for the coffee table she wanted simple and clean and was very inspired by this one that she found on ebay.
She ended up having her handy husband custom make one for her.
So with all that done it looked like we had crossed off everything on our list.
Right before we had wrapped up the project my client decided that after looking at all those fabrics and picking this one she was still in love with the Hot House.
This was a great lesson to me. No matter how "over" a fabric you are as a Designer it's important to listen to what your client wants and loves. Plus fabric has a way of taking on new life and shape in each room it goes into. In each room and home it is able to become unique to that space. The fabric looks amazing in the space and I'm glad my client stuck to her "gut feeling". Plus if she ever wants to change the feel of the space she can use the other fabric that we picked out.
In addition to changing out the pillows we also did a few other things like add bookshelves to that empty space behind the chairs.
Here is a little sneak peak of the finished room.
You'll have to tune in tomorrow to see all the pictures of this finished room!
photo by Jessica Kettle Photography
The Story of a Room: Final Details and a Sneak Peak
Reviewed by MCH
April 19, 2012

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