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Tracfone Promo Codes for January 2019

Tracfone Promo Codes - January 2019

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tracfone codes january 2019
Tracfone Promo Codes January 2019
Happy New Year everyone! And we are here to get you ready for 2019 with new promo codes!

Every month we gather and share the latest promotional codes for Tracfone here for our readers to use and enjoy.

Use these codes when adding airtime to your Tracfone cell phone and get bonus airtime for free. We have promo codes for both regular airtime cards and smartphone only cards so be sure to find the right code for what you need.

This list is the latest for January 2018, but we also collect many more code options on our main Tracfone Promo Code Page.

Keep up with what's new with our Predictions for the Future of Tracfone in 2019!

Now, let's get tot the codes.

Tracfone Promo Codes January 2019 

Regular Airtime Cards

60 Minute Card use code 12745 and get 60 bonus minutes

120 Minute Card enter 91926 for 40 extra minutes

200 Minute Card add code 28994 and receive 50 free minutes

$15 off the 1 Year/400 Minute Card with code 72070

Smartphone Only Airtime Cards

38783 - 1000 bonus Texts - 1000 Text Only Card - Valid January 2019
84737 - 100 bonus Talk airtime - $15 Smartphone Only Card - Valid January 2019
22184 - 100 MB bonus Data - $25 Smartphone Only Card - Valid January 2019

These are the latest codes from Tracfone and we hope they work for you! Leave a comment below with any thoughts or questions, or which code you used.

Join us on Facebook for all the updates, deals and more.

Also see our 7 Tips to make your Prepaid Minutes Last Longer including tips for data.

And don't miss the best Deals, Discounts and Sales on Tracfone devices.

Finally, keep track of your minutes with 4 Ways to Check your Airtime Balance (plus several extra tips).

Thanks for visiting!
Tracfone Promo Codes for January 2019 Tracfone Promo Codes for January 2019 Reviewed by MCH on January 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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