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Yole Interviews XenomatiX CEO

Yole Developpement analyst Alexis Debray publishes an interview with Filip Geuens, CEO of LiDAR maker XenomatiX. Some interesting quotes:

"We see 2 main categories in the market: global illumination LiDARs (also called flash LiDAR) and scanning-beam LiDAR. The scanning can come from an optical phase array or from a rotating mirror, oscillating mirror or other mechanical device.
Our XenoLidar does not fit in any of these 2 categories. XenoLidar uses multi-beam. Just like global illumination, we measure the scene in one shot and with high resolution, but in a much more efficient way as we only need a fraction of the energy a flash system needs. This actually translates into the fact that we can cover a much larger range for the same energy.

In the end it is a balancing exercise. We believe we have the best mix of what is critical for automotive in terms of cost, reliability, resolution, efficiency and size (in order of importance).

Today, an important bottleneck is the lack of decision taking. Many people get confused by the diversity of make-believe solutions and by initiatives that failed to deliver on their promises. That is slowing down adoption. Too many parties are sitting on the fence and waiting for a leader to pick a solution.

We deal with this by putting evidence on the table. Being able to back-up performance statements with functional products is our response. However, early adopters are still needed to help the technology to mature further, moving from technology level to application level.

Yole Interviews XenomatiX CEO Yole Interviews XenomatiX CEO Reviewed by MCH on November 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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