League of Legends 2018 World Championship is coming, so likewise the Worlds Pick'em Event. This event will test your guessing skills on what teams will win on Worlds 2018 - Group Stage and Knockout Stage. If your predicted picks succeed, you'll receive awesome rewards exclusive to this year's event.
Worlds Pick'em 2018 will be live for the Group Stage and Knockout Stage:
- Group Stage: Brackets will be available on October 8 at 10:00 AM PH time, and be locked before the start of Group Stage games on October 10 at 04:00 PM PH time.
- Knockout Stage: Brackets will be available on October 18 at 12:00 AM PH time before the start of Knockout Stage games on October 20 at 12:00 PM PH time.
Worlds Pick'em 2018 Prizes
Pick'em Poro Icons
Two new Poro icons are obtainable.
- You'll get the 2018 participation icon when you complete any Pick'em bracket.
- If you score at least 34 points during Pick'em, you'll also receive the Worlds Wizard Pick'em Poro summoner icon.

5 Ultimate Skins
If you get every single pick correct, you'll be rewarded with a set of five Ultimate skins: Elementalist Lux, Pulsefire Ezreal, Spirit Guard Udyr, DJ Sona, and Gun Goddess Miss Fortune.

How to Play Pick'em?
Visit pickem.lol.garena.ph on October 8 to get in on the Group Stage action, and remember to return for Knockout Stage picks on October 18!
Pick'em is a two-part challenge in which you predict how well teams will perform at the 2018 World Championship.
To play, log in your account in pickem.lol.garena.ph and make your picks before the two stages of matches during Worlds.
Pick for Group Stage from October 8 to October 10
You can earn a maximum of 16 points per group
2 points for each team you correctly predict to qualify for Knockout Stage
3 points for each team you correctly predict for 1st and 2nd place
2 points for each team you correctly predict for 3rd and 4th place
2 points for predicting the whole group in the right order
Pick for Knockout Stage from October 17 to October 20
Each correct pick during the Quarterfinals rewards you with 5 points. Each correct pick during the Semifinals earns you an impressive 10 points. Successfully picking the World Champion nets you 20 points
The more accurate your picks, the more points you'll gain.
Participate in Pick'em
Obtain 2018 participation icon by completing your picks during either Group Stage or Knockout Stage
Earn 34 points
Obtain Worlds Wizard Pick'em Poro summoner icon by earning at least 34 points throughout the duration of the game
Garena LOL PH will be granting icons to players starting in mid-October. If you are eligible for these icons, you should get them no later than three (3) days after the event ends on November 3. If you have not received these icons after three (3) days, please contact customer support (https://www.garena.ph/support/).
WORLDS 2018 PERFECT PICK - Grand Prize
If you accomplish perfect pick, congratulations! A perfect pick means that you were correct in every single pick for both Group Stage and Knockout stage, and won the maximum amount of 124 points.
The reward for a perfect pick is all 5 Ultimate Skins. Including DJ Sona, Spirit Guard Udyr, Pulsefire Ezreal, Elementalist Lux and Gun Goddess Miss Fortune.
To be eligible for this reward, your account must be at least level 20.
Worlds Pick'em 2018 Leaderboards
You can compare your score to all other summoners playing by going to the Pick'em Leaderboards (https://pickem.lol.garena.ph/leaderboard).
Where to watch Worlds 2018 live?
You can watch Worlds 2018 livestream at watch.lolesports.com
What can you say about the rewards for Worlds Pick'em 2018 event? Let us know in the comment section below.
Sources: lol.garena.ph and pickem.lol.garena.ph
LOL PH: Win 5 Ultimate Skins with Worlds Pick'em 2018 Event
Reviewed by MCH
October 07, 2018

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