Materi Kuliah Vocabulary 1
Pertemuan 1 Phonetics: The Sounds of Language
Phonetics is concerned with describing the speech sounds that occur in the languages of the world.
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Pertemuan 2 International Phonetic Association
International Phonetic Association (IPA) to develop a phonetic alphabet that could be used to symbolize the sounds found in all languages. Even if we could specify all the details of different pronunciations, we would not want to. As mentioned above, a basic fact about speech is that no two utterances are ever physically the same.
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Pertemuan 3 Articulatory Phonetic
Airstream mechanism
The production of any speech sound (or any sound at all) involves the movement of an air stream. Most speech sounds are produced by pushing lung air out of the body through the mouth and sometimes also through the nose.
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Pertemuan 4 Voiced and Voiceless Sounds
If the vocal cords are apart, the air stream is not obstructed at the glottis and it passes freely into the supraglottal cavities ( the parts of the vocal tract above the glottis).The sounds produced in this way are Voiceless sounds. The sounds represented by [p], [t], [k], and [s] in the English words sheep [sip], seat [sit], seek [sik] ar voiceless sounds.
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Pertemuan 5 Places of Articulation
[b] [d] [g] are all voiced non nasal (oral) sounds, [p] [t] [k] are all voiceless oral sounds [m] [n] [Å‹] are voiced nasals. We know they are distinct because we recognize brew [bru] drew [dru] grew [gru] as different words with different meanings. Different sounds result when we change the shape of the oral cavity by moving the lips and tongue, the articulators changing the place of articulation in the oral cavity.
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Pertemuan 6 Manners of Articulation
The voiced/voiceless and oral/nasal features do not refer to the movement or position of the tongue, teeth, or lips. Rather they reflect the way the air stream is affected as it travels from the lungs up and out of the mouth and nose. Such features or phonetic properties have traditionally been referred to as manners of articulation or simply manner features.
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Pertemuan 7 Fricatives, Affricates, Liquids
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Pertemuan 8 Part of The Tongue Involved
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Pertemuan 9 Diacritics
In the section on vowel nasalization, prosodic features and tone we presented a number of diacritic marks which can be used to modify the basic phonetic symbols. A [ˉ] over the vowel was used to mark vowel nasalization, the doubling of a symbol or a [:] after the symbol to show length, an acute accent to show stress and various accent marks to show tones.
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Pertemuan 1 Phonetics: The Sounds of Language
Phonetics is concerned with describing the speech sounds that occur in the languages of the world.
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Pertemuan 2 International Phonetic Association
International Phonetic Association (IPA) to develop a phonetic alphabet that could be used to symbolize the sounds found in all languages. Even if we could specify all the details of different pronunciations, we would not want to. As mentioned above, a basic fact about speech is that no two utterances are ever physically the same.
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Pertemuan 3 Articulatory Phonetic
Airstream mechanism
The production of any speech sound (or any sound at all) involves the movement of an air stream. Most speech sounds are produced by pushing lung air out of the body through the mouth and sometimes also through the nose.
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Pertemuan 4 Voiced and Voiceless Sounds
If the vocal cords are apart, the air stream is not obstructed at the glottis and it passes freely into the supraglottal cavities ( the parts of the vocal tract above the glottis).The sounds produced in this way are Voiceless sounds. The sounds represented by [p], [t], [k], and [s] in the English words sheep [sip], seat [sit], seek [sik] ar voiceless sounds.
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Pertemuan 5 Places of Articulation
[b] [d] [g] are all voiced non nasal (oral) sounds, [p] [t] [k] are all voiceless oral sounds [m] [n] [Å‹] are voiced nasals. We know they are distinct because we recognize brew [bru] drew [dru] grew [gru] as different words with different meanings. Different sounds result when we change the shape of the oral cavity by moving the lips and tongue, the articulators changing the place of articulation in the oral cavity.
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Pertemuan 6 Manners of Articulation
The voiced/voiceless and oral/nasal features do not refer to the movement or position of the tongue, teeth, or lips. Rather they reflect the way the air stream is affected as it travels from the lungs up and out of the mouth and nose. Such features or phonetic properties have traditionally been referred to as manners of articulation or simply manner features.
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Pertemuan 7 Fricatives, Affricates, Liquids
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Pertemuan 8 Part of The Tongue Involved
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Pertemuan 9 Diacritics
In the section on vowel nasalization, prosodic features and tone we presented a number of diacritic marks which can be used to modify the basic phonetic symbols. A [ˉ] over the vowel was used to mark vowel nasalization, the doubling of a symbol or a [:] after the symbol to show length, an acute accent to show stress and various accent marks to show tones.
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Materi Kuliah Vocabulary 1
Reviewed by MCH
September 10, 2018

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