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The EDEN interviews: Manjula Srinivas

Image by Johnny Silvercloud on Flickr
My interview with Manjula Srinivas (Co-co-ordinator of KC BMM in Mubai, India), was fascinating for a number of reasons, not least because she gave me a keen insight into how education is conducted in India.

Sitting down with her after her keynote at the summer EDEN conference in Jonkoping, Sweden, we discussed a number of issues around diversity and inclusion, the use of technology in education, games based learning, peer learning and emerging learner-led pedagogies.

Manjula's personal views on the use of social media, smart mobile phones and youth engagement are particularly thought provoking.

Here's the video interview:

Creative Commons License
The EDEN interviews: Manjula Srinivas by Steve Wheeler was written in Plymouth, England and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
The EDEN interviews: Manjula Srinivas The EDEN interviews: Manjula Srinivas Reviewed by MCH on November 23, 2017 Rating: 5

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