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Mapping Imaging Array Temperature

TU Delft and Harvest Imaging publish an open access paper "Temperature Sensors Integrated into a CMOS Image Sensor" by Accel Abarca, Shuang Xie, Jules Markenhof, and Albert Theuwissen. Apparently, the paper is a continuation of the MSc thesis "Integrating a Temperature Sensor into a CMOS Image Sensor."

"The test image sensor consists of pixels and temperature sensors pixels (=Tixels). The size of the Tixels is 11 μm × 11 μm. Pixels and Tixels are placed next to each other in the active imaging array and use the same readout circuits. The design and the first measurements of the combined image-temperature sensor are presented."

Mapping Imaging Array Temperature Mapping Imaging Array Temperature Reviewed by MCH on September 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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