Most of the new hep-ph papers on the arXiv were released by the same large collaboration called GAMBIT which stands for The Global And Modular BSM Inference Tool. Note that BSM stands for Beyond the Standard Model. Most but not all BSM models that people study or want to study are supersymmetric.

This stack of cards may actually be seen in the lower right corner of all graphs produced by GAMBIT. ;-)
Click at the hyperlink to learn about their project. I have always called for the creation of such systems and it's great that one of them seems to be born by now.
Much of the work of model builders is really about some routine work – one works with some new fields and interaction terms in the Lagrangian, some methods to calculate particle physics predictions, scan the parameter spaces, compute probability distributions, and compare predictions with the experimental data etc.
A key word is "routine": Quantum field theory and its application is nontrivial and one needs to learn many prerequisites before she gets at this level. On the other hand, it's a finite amount of knowledge and the technology has almost always the same character, independently of the particular model beyond the Standard Model that one proposes.
So this collaboration of 30 model builders proposes their code to systematize much of the work. With this help of the computer, lots of human work should be saved and the work should become faster and more effective. Many smart brains could be saved for some more creative work, especially some serious thinking about string theory. We sometimes talk about occupations that may be replaced with robots in a decade – most model builders may be among them.
I believe that experimental teams such as those at the LHC should join and/or develop their own programs that may basically produce the usual ATLAS/CMS papers about all the channels parameterized by a particular theory as outcomes generated by the same program run with different arguments or parameters. Don't the authors of the hundreds of ATLAS/CMS papers feel that they're doing a boring work that would be better done by a computer?
At any rate, most of the today's new hep-ph papers are all about GAMBIT. It's the nine papers [1], [5-7], [9-13].
You may download all the codes. It's weird that most of the archives are either 43 or 44 or 45 megabytes in size although they seem to have a different content. The code is supposed to run on supercomputers such as Prometheus but I think that Promotheus shouldn't be "absolutely required". In March, Physics World published a story about GAMBIT.
Under this avalanche of papers, it's easy to overlook a new paper by Nanopoulos, Li, Maxin who still seem excited about the \({\mathcal F}\)-\(SU(5)\) models even though they had to raise the gluino mass to \(1.9\)-\(2.3\TeV\).

This stack of cards may actually be seen in the lower right corner of all graphs produced by GAMBIT. ;-)
Click at the hyperlink to learn about their project. I have always called for the creation of such systems and it's great that one of them seems to be born by now.
Much of the work of model builders is really about some routine work – one works with some new fields and interaction terms in the Lagrangian, some methods to calculate particle physics predictions, scan the parameter spaces, compute probability distributions, and compare predictions with the experimental data etc.
A key word is "routine": Quantum field theory and its application is nontrivial and one needs to learn many prerequisites before she gets at this level. On the other hand, it's a finite amount of knowledge and the technology has almost always the same character, independently of the particular model beyond the Standard Model that one proposes.
So this collaboration of 30 model builders proposes their code to systematize much of the work. With this help of the computer, lots of human work should be saved and the work should become faster and more effective. Many smart brains could be saved for some more creative work, especially some serious thinking about string theory. We sometimes talk about occupations that may be replaced with robots in a decade – most model builders may be among them.
I believe that experimental teams such as those at the LHC should join and/or develop their own programs that may basically produce the usual ATLAS/CMS papers about all the channels parameterized by a particular theory as outcomes generated by the same program run with different arguments or parameters. Don't the authors of the hundreds of ATLAS/CMS papers feel that they're doing a boring work that would be better done by a computer?
At any rate, most of the today's new hep-ph papers are all about GAMBIT. It's the nine papers [1], [5-7], [9-13].
You may download all the codes. It's weird that most of the archives are either 43 or 44 or 45 megabytes in size although they seem to have a different content. The code is supposed to run on supercomputers such as Prometheus but I think that Promotheus shouldn't be "absolutely required". In March, Physics World published a story about GAMBIT.
Under this avalanche of papers, it's easy to overlook a new paper by Nanopoulos, Li, Maxin who still seem excited about the \({\mathcal F}\)-\(SU(5)\) models even though they had to raise the gluino mass to \(1.9\)-\(2.3\TeV\).
Hep-ph arXiv conquered by GAMBIT
Reviewed by DAL
May 23, 2017
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