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Teacher voices

Our 2016 Computing and ICT Specialist graduates
Ever wonder what your former students are doing right now?

Of course you do.

If you're a teacher, you will take pride in your students and their achievements. Most of mine have trained to be primary educators, and go on to change lives and make lives in their teaching careers. It's great to keep in touch with them via social media to see how they are doing.

I'm starting a new series of posts tracing the careers and achievements of some of my former students. Those who have studied on the B.Ed Primary Computing and ICT pathway at Plymouth Institute of Education will feature in this series of posts. They will have studied under the tutorship of myself and other educators such as Peter Yeomans, Oliver Quinlan, Clare Fenwick, Duncan Lloyd, Rouen Gargan and James Bettany (if I have missed anyone out, apologies!)

To me, my former students - now qualified teachers - are extraordinary, because they have entered the volatile and ever changing teaching profession as visionaries - people who want to make a significant difference in children's lives, inspiring them to learn and reach further. They achieve this through innovative pedagogies, creating great learning spaces and with a liberal dose of technology. I want to know how they have developed their thinking as professionals, and what progress they have made in their practice as educators. I want to share these teacher voices with you.

In tomorrow's post I will feature the first of my posts - a brief interview with Neil Jarrett, who graduated from Plymouth in 2009. Prepare to be inspired.

Photo by Tom Wilkins

Creative Commons License
Teacher voices by Steve Wheeler was written in Plymouth, England and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Teacher voices Teacher voices Reviewed by MCH on March 02, 2017 Rating: 5

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