The Czech public is absolutely stunned by a development in Germany – which some global media already described yesterday.
Top center-right server just told us that Germany's highest evangelical bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, a Lutheran, and the minister of interior, Thomas de Maizière, support a new plan to make the classes of Islam mandatory at all schools in all German lands. (The lands of East Germany don't even teach Christianity at state schools right now.) Islamic organizations would be directly responsible for the education.
I happen to agree with all the most upvoted comments so here they are.
Jan Stifter, 158/5
What about to teach them Christianity for them to understand the basics of the European culture? That could be a good starting point for their integration. This proposal amounts to a complete surrender. If the German government approves it, Germany is already kaput.
Petr Kolařík, 101+/2–
I would also enrich the curriculum by the learning how to construct explosive devices. Right now, Muslims are producing the bombs at home and, heaven forbid, something unfortunate may take place. [A parody of an explanation why it's a good idea.] But if they learn it at school from a state-sponsored expert, accidents will be avoided and bombs will be produced professionally.
[Before I read that comment, I want to write a very similar one about the professional and safer collisions of Lufthansa with skyscrapers at Manhattan.]
Pavel Vaněček, 101/2
Germany will wake up into a terrible nightmare sometime in the future. But it won't be a dream. [thumb down]
Martin Vašina, 77/1
Germany decided to undergo a cultural and social euthanasia... I hope that no one will have such an idea here and if he has it, it will definitely be rejected!
Ms Anna Annová, 85/2
Germans can no longer be helped, let's hope that at least the other EU countries will pull themselves together.
Ladislav Macháček, 107/4
This is a frontrunner in the "Idiocy of the year" contest.
Martin Krčil, 53/0
Islam doesn't belong to Europe [capitalized]!
Filip Repetný, 69/2
A fence [between Bohemia and Germany is needed]!
Ladislav Macháček, 57/1
On the contrary, Islam must be assertively restricted, e.g. as in Japan. They have the only efficient solution to the negative symptoms of Islam: they enforce a complete ban on the promotion and propagation of Islam, they don't even give the residence permission to the Muslims – and is someone accusing them of xenophobia? Instead, they live in peace and don't need to solve problems with terrorism and millions of immigrants.
Mirek Závodný, 54/1
They are right about one thing. When their faith will be "hidden", it will be attractive like the forbidden apple. But they are mistaken about one thing. When they will know the faith, they will have another reason to join the terrorists. The only meaningful prevention is simply not to allow Muslims to enter the country. Germany is simply in ... [the aß] but let us not allow them to drag us with them (even if the ruined German economy in the future will influence us, too).
Zdeněk Lorenc, 63/2
A wonderful idea. It's like to pay money to the criminals instead of prison terms while believing that they will stop stealing. The word "naivite" is probably already too weak for such a thing.
František Patzel, 41/0
I can't recognize the Germans anymore. But things start to be clear. Beware of them, they begin to be dangerous.
Pavel Šilpoch, 64/3
So I don't understand this thing. Islam should be taught. In Germany...? In Europe...? I would prefer the requirement: Let us teach Christianity...!
Daniel Kroner, 33/0
Well... the "fun" will be when the female teacher will tell the schoolkids something that the parents will decide to be false. Islam of one imam differs from Islam of another, so if the instructor's interpretation will be a bit different, it won't be acceptable for some and they will visit the teacher with a knife... These people get angry because of anything.
Jan Řezníček, 32/0
Unfortunately, everything seems to be against us. They are reproducing quickly, we are not. They have no problem to act, we do have a problem. They speak with one language, we don't. They hate us, we are supposed to like them. They are intolerant but they demand tolerance. They are abusing our weakness which we consider to be an achievement of the civilization. Unless we start to call things by their true names, we are going to lose. This is our country, not theirs, right?!!
A battle over a German parking lot. (Original: Koukejte vycouvat, Draw Back.)
Jiří Rohan, 47/3
By the same logic, children should also learn the basics of Marxism-Leninism and undergo a training course for Hitlerjugend so that in the future, they are aware about the meaning of communism and fascism.
Jan Kaml, 35/1
It seems that the head of the German evangelical churches is a Musselmann, in fact, a jihadist. Jihad is essentially a duty of every Musselmann. Is there a sane German left somewhere or have all of them lost their mind?!
Denis Huml, 29/0
Courses in Islam are indeed needed. They should watch pictures of the Islamic State, assassinations in Paris, or Muslim rallies in Europe.
Petr Koucký, 34/1
And the German law schools should start to teach the Sharia law.
Ota Blažek, 27/0
"Es gibt keinen Gott außer Allah..." (There is no other God than Allah...), the children are learning according to the photograph [in the article]. Well, that's a wonderful way to begin the integration of Muslims in the Christian Europe!
Tomáš Fijala, 30/1
This is a perverse world. Evangelicals are suporting evil.
Pavel Jaroš, 40/3
Religion doesn't belong to state schools. The state should be secular and avoid bringing personal matters of individuals into the classroom.
Josef Čihák, 24/0
Is Germany attempting to throw Europe to the state of war for the third time in recent 100 years?
Míra Kratochvíl, 20/0
I would like to promote and clarify the ideas of our swingers club for 60+ age group. I hope, that [Czech minister of interior] Chovanec will support us, following the example of his German counterpart. So far, we are beginning in the kindergarten, but next year, we will get to the 1st-4th grades of the basic schools. Our successors will be educated by ourselves. All ideologies are the same. :-D
Ms Majka Šumberová, 21/1
Do they really naively believe that the kids will believe Ms teacher at school who will tell them about often despicable acts of Prophet Mohammed when at home, they will be repeatedly told that Prophet Mohammed is the only anointed one and one whose acts are worthy respect and followers? I hope not.
In order to show how the education in German is changing over the decades, I wanted to embed a YouTube video of the Kaffeelied (MIDI file), the only "song" in German that I have ever fully learned to sing. ;-) Lyrics is the hard part...
It was actually in our textbook of the German language – which I learned instead of Russian for 1 high school year after we, the golden anti-socialist kids, overthrew communism, our school's principal, and our 300-pound gorilla (chemistry teacher). I believe the song was in the textbook but the teacher wasn't a good musician – or any musician, for that matter, she was better at stealing a borrowed copy of "Surely You're Joking Mr Feynman" from me, I had to steal it back quickly – but I learned it, anyway.
Well, it's impossible to find it at YouTube, isn't it? I was also amused by the English "translation" of the song which avoids any references to nations and religions so it's not actually a translation. The actual song says:
Top center-right server just told us that Germany's highest evangelical bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, a Lutheran, and the minister of interior, Thomas de Maizière, support a new plan to make the classes of Islam mandatory at all schools in all German lands. (The lands of East Germany don't even teach Christianity at state schools right now.) Islamic organizations would be directly responsible for the education.
I happen to agree with all the most upvoted comments so here they are.
Jan Stifter, 158/5
What about to teach them Christianity for them to understand the basics of the European culture? That could be a good starting point for their integration. This proposal amounts to a complete surrender. If the German government approves it, Germany is already kaput.
Petr Kolařík, 101+/2–
I would also enrich the curriculum by the learning how to construct explosive devices. Right now, Muslims are producing the bombs at home and, heaven forbid, something unfortunate may take place. [A parody of an explanation why it's a good idea.] But if they learn it at school from a state-sponsored expert, accidents will be avoided and bombs will be produced professionally.
[Before I read that comment, I want to write a very similar one about the professional and safer collisions of Lufthansa with skyscrapers at Manhattan.]
Pavel Vaněček, 101/2
Germany will wake up into a terrible nightmare sometime in the future. But it won't be a dream. [thumb down]
Martin Vašina, 77/1
Germany decided to undergo a cultural and social euthanasia... I hope that no one will have such an idea here and if he has it, it will definitely be rejected!
Ms Anna Annová, 85/2
Germans can no longer be helped, let's hope that at least the other EU countries will pull themselves together.
Ladislav Macháček, 107/4
This is a frontrunner in the "Idiocy of the year" contest.
Martin Krčil, 53/0
Islam doesn't belong to Europe [capitalized]!
Filip Repetný, 69/2
A fence [between Bohemia and Germany is needed]!
Ladislav Macháček, 57/1
On the contrary, Islam must be assertively restricted, e.g. as in Japan. They have the only efficient solution to the negative symptoms of Islam: they enforce a complete ban on the promotion and propagation of Islam, they don't even give the residence permission to the Muslims – and is someone accusing them of xenophobia? Instead, they live in peace and don't need to solve problems with terrorism and millions of immigrants.
Mirek Závodný, 54/1
They are right about one thing. When their faith will be "hidden", it will be attractive like the forbidden apple. But they are mistaken about one thing. When they will know the faith, they will have another reason to join the terrorists. The only meaningful prevention is simply not to allow Muslims to enter the country. Germany is simply in ... [the aß] but let us not allow them to drag us with them (even if the ruined German economy in the future will influence us, too).
Zdeněk Lorenc, 63/2
A wonderful idea. It's like to pay money to the criminals instead of prison terms while believing that they will stop stealing. The word "naivite" is probably already too weak for such a thing.
František Patzel, 41/0
I can't recognize the Germans anymore. But things start to be clear. Beware of them, they begin to be dangerous.
Pavel Šilpoch, 64/3
So I don't understand this thing. Islam should be taught. In Germany...? In Europe...? I would prefer the requirement: Let us teach Christianity...!
Daniel Kroner, 33/0
Well... the "fun" will be when the female teacher will tell the schoolkids something that the parents will decide to be false. Islam of one imam differs from Islam of another, so if the instructor's interpretation will be a bit different, it won't be acceptable for some and they will visit the teacher with a knife... These people get angry because of anything.
Jan Řezníček, 32/0
Unfortunately, everything seems to be against us. They are reproducing quickly, we are not. They have no problem to act, we do have a problem. They speak with one language, we don't. They hate us, we are supposed to like them. They are intolerant but they demand tolerance. They are abusing our weakness which we consider to be an achievement of the civilization. Unless we start to call things by their true names, we are going to lose. This is our country, not theirs, right?!!
A battle over a German parking lot. (Original: Koukejte vycouvat, Draw Back.)
Jiří Rohan, 47/3
By the same logic, children should also learn the basics of Marxism-Leninism and undergo a training course for Hitlerjugend so that in the future, they are aware about the meaning of communism and fascism.
Jan Kaml, 35/1
It seems that the head of the German evangelical churches is a Musselmann, in fact, a jihadist. Jihad is essentially a duty of every Musselmann. Is there a sane German left somewhere or have all of them lost their mind?!
Denis Huml, 29/0
Courses in Islam are indeed needed. They should watch pictures of the Islamic State, assassinations in Paris, or Muslim rallies in Europe.
Petr Koucký, 34/1
And the German law schools should start to teach the Sharia law.
Ota Blažek, 27/0
"Es gibt keinen Gott außer Allah..." (There is no other God than Allah...), the children are learning according to the photograph [in the article]. Well, that's a wonderful way to begin the integration of Muslims in the Christian Europe!
Tomáš Fijala, 30/1
This is a perverse world. Evangelicals are suporting evil.
Pavel Jaroš, 40/3
Religion doesn't belong to state schools. The state should be secular and avoid bringing personal matters of individuals into the classroom.
Josef Čihák, 24/0
Is Germany attempting to throw Europe to the state of war for the third time in recent 100 years?
Míra Kratochvíl, 20/0
I would like to promote and clarify the ideas of our swingers club for 60+ age group. I hope, that [Czech minister of interior] Chovanec will support us, following the example of his German counterpart. So far, we are beginning in the kindergarten, but next year, we will get to the 1st-4th grades of the basic schools. Our successors will be educated by ourselves. All ideologies are the same. :-D
Ms Majka Šumberová, 21/1
Do they really naively believe that the kids will believe Ms teacher at school who will tell them about often despicable acts of Prophet Mohammed when at home, they will be repeatedly told that Prophet Mohammed is the only anointed one and one whose acts are worthy respect and followers? I hope not.
In order to show how the education in German is changing over the decades, I wanted to embed a YouTube video of the Kaffeelied (MIDI file), the only "song" in German that I have ever fully learned to sing. ;-) Lyrics is the hard part...
It was actually in our textbook of the German language – which I learned instead of Russian for 1 high school year after we, the golden anti-socialist kids, overthrew communism, our school's principal, and our 300-pound gorilla (chemistry teacher). I believe the song was in the textbook but the teacher wasn't a good musician – or any musician, for that matter, she was better at stealing a borrowed copy of "Surely You're Joking Mr Feynman" from me, I had to steal it back quickly – but I learned it, anyway.
Well, it's impossible to find it at YouTube, isn't it? I was also amused by the English "translation" of the song which avoids any references to nations and religions so it's not actually a translation. The actual song says:
C-o-f-f-e-e, don't drink so much coffee.Is no myth and slaves to a cup, WTF? ;-)
Not for children is the Turkish drink,
it weakens nerves and makes you pale and sick,
so be no Muslim who can't ever let it go!
German bishops, ministers want mandatory Islam at schools
Reviewed by MCH
May 28, 2016

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