LOWONGANKERJA15.COM - Lowongan Kerja Maret 2016, PT Asuransi Kredit Indonesia (Persero) or commonly known as Askrindo is a leading financial company in the field of insurance. Early establishment Askrindo started since 1971 with the assistance of the Ministry of Finance and Bank Indonesia. Askrindo is one of the programs the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in growing the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Formerly Askrindo run Bank Credit Insurance business activities alone, but as the development time business ventures offered is specializing in underwriting. The process of insurance underwriting loans can enlarge entrepreneurs access to credit resources. Even attempts Askrindo able to support trade flows within and outside the country. Askrindo products we offer ranging from General Insurance, Credit Insurance, Surety Bond Trade Credit Insurance, Guarantee KUR, Contra Bank Guarantee, and the Customs Bond. All the activities and performance of the company has a goal to increase the access to the real sector to the financial sector. Baca juga Loker Telkom
Askrindo re-open the latest recruitment to the sons and daughters of Indonesia graduates to occupy the position of employee personnel officer through Jobs owned mining company PT Asuransi Kredit Indonesia (Persero) as follows
- Bachelor Degree S1 Economics, accounting, management, insurance management in civil engineering, industrial engineering, informatics engineering, mathematics and statistics
- Graduates from Universities / Private
- Minimum GPA of 3.00 Skala 4
- Maximum age 26 years for people who do not have a certificate and 35 years for applicants certified AAIK / AAAIK or Actuaries
- Having English skills both oral and written
- Willing to be placed throughout the company's work
- Mahir Miscrosoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access
- Employment Supports boss
- Able to make a report of activities
Apabila anda tertarik dengan posisi jabatan Officer diatas silakan daftarkan diri anda pada website resmi berikut : Daftar, Selambat lambatnya hingga tanggal 04 Maret 2016 mendatang. Hanya kandidat terbaiklah yang nantinya kami proses lebih cepat. Terimakasih
Lowongan Kerja PT Asuransi Kredit Indonesia (Persero)
Reviewed by MCH
February 28, 2016

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