Just FYI everyone, the RACS fulfillment center in Winchester VA is right in the cross hairs of winter storm Jonas. With the snow coming in around 1pm, carrier pickups have already been suspended so we will be getting out as much parcel volume as we can early today and then closing up around mid-day today so our staff can get home to their families and get ready for the Snow-Pocalypse. There will be no newsletter this afternoon, though Robert is going to try to get one out sometime tomorrow. They are calling for 33-36+" of snow here, which is epic for our area, so we expect things to be pretty much screwed up here through Monday. Please keep those orders coming and bear with us as we get dug out and back to work filling your Anime orders!
Stay safe everyone!
Stay safe everyone!
Reviewed by MCH
January 22, 2016

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