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New wave of LHC alarmism

Nina Beety is a community organizer.

She has previously written a 170-page-long rant (plus a hilarious song) against "smart meters". But now, while the LHC is waking up again (protons have already circulated at 6,500 GeV, this time the news is for real), she wrote a detailed rant for the far left-wing website,
Harnessing “Black Holes”: The Large Hadron Collider – ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction.
You may want to read this stuff and laugh – or cry – because this loon may be a role model for what other similar folks – including male community organizers – actually believe. And it ain't pretty.

It's not a cathedral of science, she argues, but Genesis 2.0 because it will destroy all the creation from the Genesis 1.0 event.

The project was built in order to be completely useless. It doesn't produce anything practical – no new tax or subsidy for Centre for Research and Globalization. But to call it "useless" is far too generous. Instead, the LHC is a tool to make rich even richer; to give them more power; to produce new weapons for them; and to give them new assets, like other planets and galaxies, when Earth is destroyed.

One of the LHC sponsors, the U.S., that has contributed 5 percent, is responsible for even more death than the LEP collider, she argues. Alarm bells should be going off everywhere because the Great Satan has contributed 5% of the money.

The popular myth is that scientists are objective but their real goal is to cut the throats of others. Funding usually comes from industry or governments, and is therefore dirty. Scientists act as nuclear weapons who tell you to "publish or perish".

Our planet is a network of ecosystems and the fact is that the LHC is going to destroy them. One of the LHC magnets is 100,000 times stronger than the Earth's magnetic field. What does it do with the Earth and the whole Milky Way when such a strong magnet appears somewhere? It's even stronger than the magnet on your fridge. How does the LHC magnet destroy the Earth's magnetic fields? What happens to the Earth when the LHC magnet is actually turned on?

This LHC press conference turned into a bummer. In the rest of the 15 minutes, Alex Jones and Bill Gates didn't improve it much. ;-) The former discovered that the LHC was built after the extraterrestrials bribed our elites to build a gateway to extra dimensions. Also starring: Morgan Freeman and Rolf Heuer (a hostile reptilian shapeshifter).

And what if the LHC magnet is not warmed up gently? If something goes wrong, how many seconds are needed to detonate the whole LHC to save the Earth? If there are so many collisions per second, isn't it already too late to stop it?

Moreover, the force inside each dipole is equal to the power of a 747 taking off. So the LHC contains 1232 big airplanes that are taking off. Where will Switzerland be flying? We could see what one or two airplanes did with the twin towers. What about the 1232 airplanes from the LHC? The 2008 LHC accident is a template for the destruction of the whole planet. What would have happened to the land above (including two villages) if the pressure wave from the 2008 catastrophe didn't press the "stop button"?

It's a perfect military weapon. Also, it will create black holes. Some people like John Ellis said that those would be friendly black holes. But what about the common sense? In the Universe, black holes eat planets and stars. Why should it be any different for the LHC black holes? Prominent Hawaii high school teacher Walter Wagner has sued the LHC and proved that the risk of Earth's destruction was 50% because there were only two possibilities – destroyed or not destroyed.

What if the scientists create dark matter? It will increase the weight of the Cosmos by a factor of five. And what if they create the extra dimensions? Everything we love will escape to those new corners.

When some "physicists" said that the catastrophe hasn't occurred for 14 billion years, they are missing the whole point: it would be like the creation of children and indigenous people could inform them how it works!

Spouses of LHC members, janitors, energy companies pumping electrons to that facility: all of us have to shut down this devilish project!

The excerpt above is a tiny portion of the text. You may want to read it in its entirety. Almost every sentence sounds like a joke but I would bet that this lady is damn serious. It's insane partly because the completely unrestricted stupidity of the writer is combined with lots of factoids – she has probably accumulated more factoids about some magnets or events at the LHC than what an average high-energy theorist knows!

And self-confident hardcore morons resembling Ms Nina Beety are literally everywhere.

Incidentally, two months ago, an article claimed that Stephen Hawking and Neil Tyson warned CERN against people's playing to be God Shiva and launching the new Big Bang. ;-) The appearance of Shiva is no coincidence. The best minds in the world know that the LHC has been exposed as the stargate of Shiva (see also a documentary).
New wave of LHC alarmism New wave of LHC alarmism Reviewed by DAL on April 10, 2015 Rating: 5

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