I love getting insight into people's favorite everyday beauty products so I thought I'd share mine with you! My go-to routine is always changing but some products remain consistent favorites.
Morning: I don't have a ton of time in the mornings especially on days I work. I have to be out of the house with my kids by 9 am. So my hair usually goes up in a high bun or pony tail and I throw my makeup on. But on my off days I have longer to get ready so I like to spend a long time getting ready. Here are my favorite products to use in the morning.
I have really sensitive skin. If I use anything too harsh I instantly break out so I have to be really careful with what I use. These are the products I've found work best for me. After I get out of the shower I use Eminence Bright Skin Masque. It keeps my skin really soft. Usually after I use it I don't even feel like I need a moisturizer but on extra dry days I'll use a simple moisturizer like Cetaphil. I have really dry skin so sometimes I'll add essential oils to my moisturizer to really keep my skin from drying out. I'v been using doterra oils for a couple of years now and I love using them for my skin. Frankincense and Melaluca are two of my favorites. (For info on ordering contact doterra.clara@gmail.com.) In the winter I get pretty pasty and my favorite self tanner are these pads by Dr. Dennis Gross. I'll use one a couple times a month. Lastly for a little lip maintainence I'll do a sugar scrub once a week and chapstick daily. After my face is ready it's time for makeup!
I've been using this foundation for about two years now. It's creamy and light which I love.
I love Bare Minerals because it's really easy on my skin. I use hint as my blush.
For my eyeshadow I layer Mac's Cork and All that Glitters.
I've used Bobbi Brown's eyeliner for years and it's my favorite. It stays on all day.
I go back and forth between having eyelash extensions and using mascara. When I am using mascara I love this one.
I wish I was one of those people who could go to sleep without washing my face but if I even attempted such a thing I'd wake up with a face full of zits. So washing my face every night is a must! Here is my nightly routine...
Nighttime: I've used ALL kinds of face washes and none have been as perfect for me as Doterra's HD Clear wash. I love how mild it feels and it smells so good. I'll also use their Invigorating Scrub every few days to get off all that dry skin. My two must haves for my face are Doterras' Immortelle and HD Clear Skin Roller. Immortelle has transformed my skin. I don't know what it is about it but it keeps me from breaking out too bad and is supposed to be a really good anti-aging tool. HD Clear Skin roller is perfect for dabbing on my occasional breakout or helping to heal up scars.
For info on ordering any do terra products contact doterra.clara@gmail.com
My Beauty Routine
Reviewed by MCH
February 26, 2015

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