Today I am featuring the home of fellow Interior Designer and blogger Vanessa Francis from the blog Decor Happy. I love Vanessa's style. It is so fun to read through her blog and see her process in designing her client's spaces. Here is what she says she loves most about her home:
What I love about our home is that it is comfortable, welcoming and no place I would rather be. It's a typical builder home just outside of Toronto and I tried to make it feel more us and not so generic by adding colour (navy and pink especially) and wallpaper (floral wallpaper to be exact!) As a decorator, my home is a work in progress and there is always something that can be updated, changed or rearranged. I chose the blog name Decor Happy years ago because I truly feel that your home should make you happy or "rise up to meet you" as Oprah used to say. And I think our home does just that - it really is a happy place for my little family of three.

Thanks so much to Vanessa for sharing her home with us. Make sure you check out her blog here!
Feature Friday: Decor Happy
Reviewed by MCH
February 20, 2015

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