Lately we've been acquiring a LOT of toys with a LOT of pieces. i.e. legos, puzzles, games etc. My playroom is usually a little messy and it's all good but these new additions have been making it almost impossible to even walk around! I can't tell you how many legos I've stepped on! I decided what I really needed was some storage with a locking ability. That way toys could be accessible when needed but when they weren't getting used they would remain locked away. Enter the Ikea PS Cabinet.
First of all these are only $99 a piece, secondly they come in a variety of colors and thirdly they lock! Wahoo!! They are the best addition to my basement.
I decided to get two to go side by side. To style them I picked out some cute pieces from Minted. I chose Dawdle in a 44 x 44. I love all the colors in the piece and it works perfectly with the scheme of my playroom. I love layering art so I also picked out Fleeting in Indigo.
Hallelujah! Who knew playroom storage could make a person so happy.
Ikea PS Cabinet
Reviewed by MCH
January 13, 2015

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