2014 is coming to an end in a day or so.
I got so many opportunities to learn and listen from the marketing community online and in real life that I thought it was appropriate to give a hat tip or two. Here are a few highlights that really stuck out in the year.
Thanks to my colleagues at work in the US, Europe and China who challenged me, pushed me and asked me really difficult questions about what the heck I was thinking. You made me a better marketer through your collaboration. We had so much fun and got such wonderful opportunities to go beyond the expected and the obvious.
And to the U.S. wine marketing community that has allowed me in and to be part of the conversation, thank you for being so welcoming. The work I get to do in this industry is some of the most enjoyable marketing work I have done in my career. So many smart and savvy marketers allow me to exchange ideas and share my own stories. And best of all, at the end of our meetings, there is always wonderful wine. Cheers to you.
Thanks to Mark Schaefer and Tom Webster who decided to start a comedy podcast disguised as a marketing podcast. (The Marketing Companion) I listen twice a month to their discussions and crazy product ideas. They kept me informed and in stitches. A special thanks to Mark for agreeing to join us at our Wine Marketing Exchange event in California this year to speak to the US wine marketing community and for being a naturally generous educator.
A big high five to Mitch Joel for consistent brilliant interviews on his podcast Six Pixel ofSeparation. I can’t wait for you to publish each podcast on Sundays so I can take my walk and listen to your engaging questioning of marketing influencers and thinkers. Along with Terry Gross from NPR's Fresh Air, I don’t know a better interviewer.
And thanks to Mitch for introducing me (virtually) to James Altucher. Your rambling writing style and chaotic podcasts are a thing of beauty. Your writing and in your face questioning is fierce and compassionate at the same time. I keep learning from this chaos and am starting to find calm among the storm of your ideas and thinking. And I am beginning to write 10 ideas a days to keep my marketing muscle in top form. Thanks for your inspiration and humanity.
Cheers to Seth Godin who makes me a better "noticer" of the world. His approach to marketing is inspiring and opens my heart to the possibilities of the moment. And because his ideas are so powerful, they encourage me to share them. His latest work - Your Turn, is inspired brilliance with a side order of joy and a wonderful kick in the pants.
And thanks to Seth for pointing me toward Krista Tippett who On Being podcast is a core part of what a spiritual connection can bring to you. She interviews the wise and the wonderful – and always leads me to examine, to question and to grow. Namaste.
And to Sarah Koenig from Serial podcast, thank you for shining a light on the power of podcasting. The unfolding story you told in the first season was brilliant and addictive. And to John Lee Dumas whose Entrepreneur on Fire continues to be a spark of inspiration for thinking about entrepreneurship and star up. You keep me engaged and I always learned by listening.
And a big thank you to the numerous people who reached out to me through Clarity through my blog or through other online communities to ask my advice or to share a perspective. It is such an honor to serve and to try and provide ideas and guidance around marketing topics. Thanks for the chance to consult with clients in my spare time on weekends and evenings.
Our Ritual
My wife and I have a New Year’s Eve ritual that involves a quiet dinner for two at home and a movie that is circa 1940. The dinner usually has a special ingredient and is always something wonderful. The evening entertainment is often with Cary Grant or Rita Hayworth if we are lucky. We celebrate the blessings of the year and our lives and give thanks in a quiet sort of way.
I wish you blessings and grace in the coming year. I hope you can be present in each and every sacred moment. Enjoy a happy and healthy new year.
How can I help you in 2015?
Happy New Years
Reviewed by MCH
December 31, 2014

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