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That’s EduTainment

Brands need to educate their community. They want the consumer to understand what makes the brand special and they need to develop a brand persona. But no one wants to hear a lecture of facts and figures. 

Advertising is an expensive form of imposing your message on people who haven’t given you permission to speak to them. Buying ads is still a default setting for most larger brands because it is politically safe within the company and it is what most general managers believes is effective. Ask many GM's or CFO's what is the best marketing tactic to get more sales and they will tell you to do more advertising. Really? I’m not buying it.

The future of marketing is clearly moving towards producing engaging content that can be both educational and entertaining. 

Entertaining content is filled with personality but most important, it is viewed and shared by a community who cares and has said, ‘yes- tell me more’. The community hears, sees or reads a short piece of information and they are hungry to learn. 

Harley Davidson enthusiasts want to hear the sound of the new electric bikes – out of curiosity so they seek it out. They share the video with their like-minded friends who are bike enthusiasts. 

People who are gluten-free are interested in a new pizza shop that is dedicated to their community and health issues. They send the entertaining video clip to their son's teacher who also eats gluten-free and their mechanic who recently shared his own need to do a personal tune-up by eliminating wheat from his diet. 

The life coach who wants to share her wisdom needs a means to get the word out about the services she offers and how she can help. Her funny video of 10 tips to be happy is shared by her clients with their friends who could use a little coaching. 

Education Dates Entertainment
When you take educational information and marry it with entertainment, you have the marketing platform called EDUTAINMENT. It smashes together the need to teach with the equal need to make someone listen by amusing them.  The strategy is clear and simple – share valuable tidbits of information in a easy to absorb method. Make it fun. Make it shareable. Make it authentic. 

Tip of the Week
My younger daughter Fanny, who I have written about previously, is building her brand. After winning the Rachael Ray Great American Cookbook Competition, she is now up to her elbows in recipe development as she prepares to publish her first cookbook in the spring of 2015. 

But she sees beyond the book as she wants to build her catering business in Wilmington and to explore all of the other possibilities in the future. To do that, we came up with a content creation strategy

Every week, she creates a short 2-3 minute entertaining video that shows off her personality and a tip about cooking. She isn’t selling services like catering or promoting stuff. She is working on growing her community of followers who like her style, sense of humor and the information she is sharing about cooking. And as a former improv student, video is a natural medium for her to use. The video is not commercial. It is entertaining with a small cooking tip or lesson stirred into the mix. 

She does this work with an iPhone and Animoto software. Her budget is virtually zero. Just her time and the modest fee for the software. And and big pinch of her amazing creativity. Below are two examples that illustrate the idea of an EDUTAINMENT using a Tip of The Week theme. 

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