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It's suicidal to fly over New Russia these days

The mysteriously lost MH370 flight of the Malaysian Airlines hasn't been found and there's another tragedy for the company: MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down near Shakhtar in the Donetsk People's Republic, about 30 miles from the Russian border. The 295 people on board (280 passengers + 15 crew members) died.

I was saddened and shocked at the same moment. People get harassed with all kinds of security regulations but when it comes to the actual trajectories of airplanes, they continue to fly right above the de facto warzone as if nothing were happening over there.

I think that the people who decided it was OK for this particular plane to fly over that place should be tried for manslaughter and the people who made similar, so far non-fatal decisions in all other airlines should be immediately fired.

Given the pretty much regular daily news about the ethnic Russian activists' successful neutralization of the Ukrainian military aircraft that the Maidan regime has hijacked and uses to exterminate the Russian-speaking population in New Russia (they shot about 2 Maidan planes yesterday), it's simply stunning that someone would dare to send jetliners with hundreds of innocent people to fly directly over that de facto warzone.

A trajectory from the Netherlands to Malaysia that would completely avoid Ukraine would be just a few miles longer!

I think it's more likely that the anti-Maidan activists were those who have shot the jetliner down – even though they claim that they simply don't possess the necessary military equipment. So it could have been the "official" Maidan forces as well. There could have been various reasons – including the convoluted possibility that the jetliner was shot down by one side that wanted to blame the other side for the tragedy.

We will probably never be quite sure who has shot the jetliner down, whether he really wanted to do it, and whether he was encouraged by some of the powerful people at the top.

Please, airlines, stop flying over that region because – if you haven't noticed yet – people are fighting over there and they are equipped with missiles that are demonstrably capable of shooting the aircraft down. The European Union and the U.S. left-wing interventionists have turned Ukraine into a failed state where lots of people are unnecessarily dying in order to please these left-wing interventionists in the West. You really don't want to sacrifice hundreds of people who had nothing to do with that conflict.

Incidentally, Obama's White House has imposed additional insane and totally illogical sanctions against Russia. I agree with those who say that Obama, Kerry et al. are proving that they are dangerous psychopaths. At least, Tony Abbott – after he completed the abolition of the carbon tax (big congratulations to Australia!) – has urged G20 to continue cooperating with Russia. At least one sensible guy among the loons.
It's suicidal to fly over New Russia these days It's suicidal to fly over New Russia these days Reviewed by MCH on July 17, 2014 Rating: 5

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