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New Russia can no longer reunify with a Kiev-led country

The fights in the Novorussian Confederacy – the newly declared union of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic – continue and we have gotten used to this sad situation, to women and children who have to live in basements, to save their lives from hostile airstrikes organized by the Maidan regime that has declared the whole large ethnic population of what used to be Ukraine as terrorists and that is working 24/7 to invade the newly born republics and to violently force everyone to obedience.
Sad news in climate science: George Kukla, a Czech American who would be a Nixon adviser and who would suggest as early as in 1972 that people should think about global warming, passed away on Monday. Later, he would become a prominent climate skeptic and even an advocate of "global cooling". Kukla was close to ex-president Klaus and may also be viewed as one of the top five scientists who have convinced the U.S. not to sign to the Kyoto protocol.
Like Slobodan Miloševič, Saddam Hussein, and other villains of ethnic cleansing, it is very clear now that the likes of Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Oleksandr Turchynov, and now even Petro Poroshenko deserve nooses. It is also self-evident, however, that many people will have to die before the basic justice may be restored. The ethnic cleansing will continue for quite some time. The fascist junta in Kiev just boasted that it has murdered 300 citizens of New Russia just in the last 24 hours. 300 murders a day is what some American officials praise as "restraint".

Putin's Russia is trying to convince – completely unsuccessfully, of course – the fascist junta to negotiate with the representatives of the large chunk of the population that doesn't want to be reunified with a Ukraine whose governments are being formed in this way, mostly by aggressive fascist mobs on the street. So far, Putin and his pals are doing nothing material to help the suffering population at all.

But can you imagine how much the folks in Donetsk, Slavyansk, and other cities have to hate the acting government in Kiev? Hundreds of their men – some of the most courageous men – are dying every day. They're relatives and friends of many other people, mostly but not entirely Russian-speaking people. Many of these survivors – especially women – have exactly the same opinions as the Novorussian warriors. The only reason they don't fight is that they don't know how to fight.

Donetsk would be a relatively prosperous city just a few months ago. It was very hospitable and alright when it was hosting my hometown's soccer team, FC Viktoria Pilsen. Pilsen defeated Donetsk – a far richer team owned by Ukraine's wealthiest man – to continue in the Champions League before it was eliminated by Lyon in the following interaction. But things worked. The economy was producing things. People were doing ordinary things on the street. Now, a large part of life in the city was made disappeared.

There are millions of people who must be viscerally hating the perpetrators of the crimes against the population of what used to be a part of Ukraine – and everyone who supports them or enables their hyenic acts. Roughly speaking, there are two possible scenarios. Either the Kiev junta exterminates millions of people, or it will keep on facing millions of people who find their being governed by a similar Kiev junta utterly unacceptable – much more unacceptable than just half a year ago when the relationships between the ethnic groups in Ukraine were pretty much fine (if compared to the present ones).

Let me suppose that the world – and perhaps even the seemingly hopelessly brainwashed West – would wake up in the first case, when millions of people would be exterminated by the fascist junta. At the end, the perpetrators would hopefully be punished by the international community, or Russia's patience would finally stop. If we eliminate this option of a megascale genocide, we're facing the second option: the most open Novorussian warriors will have been murdered but Kiev will still face a hostile, unmanageable territory. Do they really want to control such a territory where almost everyone will be against them? I assure them that if they are at least slightly rational, they don't want such a thing. They should realize that they should allow the people of New Russia to leave the union much like the Czechs calmly allowed the Slovaks to gain the independence, if I simplify the Czechoslovak situation of 1992 a little bit.

Meanwhile, various angry and bloody "professionally Eastern" European nations – those who want to blame the Russian nation for their own inferiority forever – are doing everything they can to strengthen the war rhetoric and increase the tensions. Irresponsible politicians in the U.S. and elsewhere listen to these hateful people and NATO is increasing its presence in Europe. They think that they benefit if they start preparing a big war. Generally, it may work like that except that it doesn't seem to work for them right now. Putin's approval rate goes up but theirs isn't. Maybe they should consider a possibility that they're doing something fundamentally wrong. Most people just don't want a useless war, especially not against the innocent Russian Federation.

Thankfully, at least the otherwise unspectacular Czech government realizes that this trend is a path promoted by hateful and stupid people. The government led by Mr Sobotka opposes NATO's increased presence in Europe while the Czech president Zeman says that the increased presence is OK if it is symbolic. Both of these relatively calm attitudes are probably exceptional in the post-socialist Europe where Russophobia is the king. Well, our Slovak brothers also refuse new NATO troops on their territory. Of course that we have mindless warmongers in the government, too. The hardcore leftist demagogue and the minister of foreign affairs Mr Zaorálek – who is normally full of populist conspiracy theories directed against the wealthy, exactly the kind of junk that doesn't belong to the Western civilization – is one of the leaders of the warmongering today. It is probably no coincidence that these two political features are unified in a single person.

I would like to emphasize to the anti-Russian "professional" Eastern Europeans that the reason why you hate Russia so much is your own inferiority – the need to look for problems outside yourself. Germany has had much tougher experience with Russia and the USSR – the horrible Second World War conflict followed by things like the DDR – but in general, the German nation doesn't hate Russia and is happy to have decent relationships with Russia. In the U.K., a party that considers Putin to be a good politician (UKIP) won the latest elections (to the EU Parliament), proving that Russophobia isn't a ticket to a win in the elections.

The Kiev junta must realize – or must be forced to realize – that they have done way too many unacceptable crimes and at least their control over New Russia whose most citizens realize that the junta's inhuman behavior has been beyond the pale must stop. The only alternative is the continuation of this war which is, like most wars, bringing many more tragedies than benefits. I sort of think that the public opinion in Russia won't allow the Kremlin to remain the indifferent external observer it is nowadays if the casualties in New Russia start to approach the "million(s)".

Please, stop this insanity and punish the perpetrators of the crimes against humanity. The "rebels" in Eastern Ukraine – the relatively conservative citizens who oppose the true rebels and their anti-democratic, violent way to overthrow a legitimate government – deserve to be heard at least as much as the angry demonstrators in Kiev (who were mostly not heard, either, but that's another story).
New Russia can no longer reunify with a Kiev-led country New Russia can no longer reunify with a Kiev-led country Reviewed by MCH on June 04, 2014 Rating: 5

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