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URL Redirect With in Wordpress want to hide homepage

Does anyone know how/if its possible to url redirect within WP??

I'm building a site and temporarily want to hide the home page while I tweak it and whatnot. So for the mean time when a visitor (human or spider) lands on it forwards to
Redirection plugin.
Don't know why I didn't think of that, I figured there was another way. Any suggestions for a plugin?? Most plugins I've seen look like they are just for posts.
Since this is temporary, you want to do a 302 redirect. Lots of info online about using them. You can do it with a simple line in your htaccess file.

Do note that a redirect will work for you too. It will be near impossible to see the home page. I don't think the Preview function in WP will work either.

You may want to explore the Under Construction type plugins available so that you can actually see the home page and site. And if you're redirecting bots too, when you go live will the same urls and site structure exist? If not, everything they've spidered will 404.

I'd suggest you make a copy of the site in a /dev folder or on your local drive so you can work on it and not have any issues.

Or as I recall its also an option in ones cpanel. Which I would imagine is much easier.

 There's a couple ways to do it, but think about the implications of incoming links, SE spiders, etc and how they could get messed up.
Set up a testing area and don't muck with the live site.

 I forgot to take into consideration about backlinks even though I probabbly wouldn't do any till all my most have been published. Is a htaccess file supposed to be added automatically somehow?? I only ask because the last time I built a site it didn't have one and can't remember but think my hosting customer support added it.

Proper protocol would to make a separate beta/ dev site and then push the changes top side when finished.
URL Redirect With in Wordpress want to hide homepage URL Redirect With in Wordpress want to hide homepage Reviewed by MCH on May 27, 2014 Rating: 5

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