You may check that he has written lots of papers and collected lots of citations. Two weeks ago, he decided to join a dozen of other researchers in the Academic Advisory Council of The Global Warming Policy Foundation, a skeptical climate change think tank led by Lord Nigel Lawson (chairman) and by Benny Peiser (director).
After a violent reaction to his decision – see e.g. GWPF, The Times, WUWT, Hans von Storch's blog, Climate Audit, Jo Nova, Judith Curry, Spiegel, Climate Depot, CATO, National Review, Marcel Crok, Click Green, Power Line Blog, and joyful fascist jerk William Connolley and his Big Whopper Gestapo Comrade, Goebbelsian troll David Appell – he left the GWPF board.
He was afraid of his security and health after a storm of reactions from his "colleagues" in their "community", particularly those from the U.S. Unfortunately, we were not shown too many details about the reaction but I can imagine it was severe. His collaborators also immediately started to fire him from papers, author lists, and so on.
The professor and sensible people in general have described the atmosphere in that "community" as a modern counterpart of McCarthyism.
I must say: Welcome to the real world, Lennart Bengtsson. Maybe he didn't expect this reaction. I surely would. You know, the movement of climate psychopaths belongs among the most aggressive extreme components of the far left and new fascist political movements of our epoch. They have no respect to any moral and human values that would transcend their sick propaganda whatsoever. They're ready – and eager – to destroy human lives. Some of them are bloody, treacherous beasts of prey dressed up as friends. In the world of Academia, they're omnipresent. It doesn't mean that they're the majority; they are surely not. But their concentration and their aggressiveness is high enough to cripple and poison every large enough research group or institution.
Your humble correspondent has been brutally harassed by this fascist clique many times (even my interactions with Naomi Oreskes are scary enough for a heart attack: what a fakt-up bič she is) but I was kind of ready because I grew up as a child and teenage dissident in a communist regime. I must add that the 1980s used to be a lukewarm stage of communism. I don't really remember anyone who would vigorously believe all this Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist junk. Even the most important enforcers of this stuff in the workplace would display a somewhat measured attitude. The climate psychopaths – those who want to "fight climate change" – are more obsessed with their delusions than the Eastern European communists in the 1980s. Climate alarmism is Nazism or Stalinism Reloaded and Reenergized.
Some of these climate psychopaths are sincere believers who don't really materially benefit much. Many others are hardcore criminals who have used the climate propaganda and the climate intimidation to earn as much as millions of dollars. Many of them must realize that they're dirty criminals, thieves, liars, and gangsters who would normally deserve to spend their life in prison. And that makes them even more aggressive because they are afraid of their basic freedom for the very same reason as any murderer who is wanted by police.
It seems unlikely to me that by having resigned from the GWPF board, Lennart Bengtsson will revert his standing in the "community" to the previous conditions. These climate fascists have probably labeled him a dangerous renegade, a heretic, a doomed apostate. Special folders and pages on the black lists have been dedicated to him. Some of the alarmists may be somewhat moderate but the most consequential ones are the infinitely unhinged individuals whose desire for the ideological "purity" (meaning 100% šittiness) within what they consider "their ranks" knows no limits.
I would even guess that the events surrounding Lennart Bengtsson's resignation from the board may even strengthen the hatred of the climate psychopaths towards him. It's this resignation that has created a bunch of articles comparing these loons to McCarthyists or, in the case of this blog, Nazis. Some of the climate alarmists are proud heirs to the heritage of the Nazis but others try to mask this kinship of theirs and they won't be happy about Lennart Bengtsson's acts that have helped to unmask what sort of scum these individuals are.
If my guesses as right and if the Swedish professor finds out that my prediction seems to be true, I would recommend to adapt to the new conditions and morph into a full-fledged skeptic. With some research and care, it is possible not only to survive but to survive happily. Police may always be called when the threats by the climate fascists exceed a certain threshold. The number of people who are courageous to openly oppose the climate fascism is limited as a percentage of the Western society but it is still sufficiently high that the skeptics surely don't feel lonely because of their being skeptics. After all, most of the broader public probably doesn't buy the climate propaganda, either.
Lennart Bengtsson will probably remain a renegade, anyway
Reviewed by MCH
May 14, 2014
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