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Page-centric approach and page-with-bean approach.

Difference b/w Page-centric approach and page-with-bean approach.

Pagentric Approach:
A web application that is collection of JSPs. Generally this approach is followed to get started with
developing web application.
The page-centric approach has lot of draw backs such as the code becomes a mixture of presentation,
business and data access logic. The maintenance and up-gradation of the application becomes a
nightmarScaling of such kind of application is also difficult and lots of code is also get duplicated.
Page-with-Bean Approach (MVC Model)
This approach is different from page-centric approach in a way that all the business logic goes into
JavaBeans. Therefore, the web application is a collection of JSPs and JavaBeans. But still this approach
is insufficient to separate different kind of logics
Page-centric approach and page-with-bean approach. Page-centric approach and page-with-bean approach. Reviewed by MCH on April 18, 2014 Rating: 5

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