Yesterday, the Telegraph published quite a shocking story

The latest, 2011 U.K. census says that only 3 million (5%) Britons are Muslims; they are mostly immigrants from Pakistan and their descendants, as the well-known semi-joking map above shows.
The largest Muslim population, over 200,000, lives in London but Birmingham has almost 200,000 as well. While it's the home to the second largest community of Muslims in the U.K., the concentration is much higher than it is in London. Still, you would expect that a group of something between 14% and 22% would behave as a... minority. You would be wrong.
It's actually a sufficiently high percentage for an aggressive enough group to take over the power structures in its environment. Note that 20% is slightly higher than the electorate for the "communist party" in Czechia. Those 20% are the people who were "actively keeping socialism at place" before 1989. I would say that no regime can be sustained for decades without at least 10%-15% of active believers/supporters.
The Islamization has nevertheless influenced pretty much all elementary schools in Birmingham – quite a shocking development. The most detailed troublesome results came from the Park View School.

As you can see, they describe themselves as the "Academy of Mathematics and Science". In reality, the institution has primarily turned into a hotbed of Islamofascist indoctrination. Boys and girls are "voluntarily" – which really means by intense bullying – segregated. Students who are "just" girls have to sit at the back of the classrooms. The obscurantist outfits are demanded. Sex education of any sort is impossible and even some other subjects often disappear.
The school is de facto controlled by the brother of a convicted terrorist, Razwan Taraz (official deputy principal), and Tahir Alam (an unofficial Islamic hardliner who seems to be the real puppet master, superficially a consultant). Some non-Muslim kids are not getting any education in some subjects at all. A hardcore anti-Semite and Al-Qaeda sympathizer is being routinely invited as a guest preacher. Some of the plans to Islamise the education are freely available.
The inconvenient non-Muslim principals have been fired by an orchestrated campaign involving the Islamofascist parents – a method resembling what the global warming alarmists and other left-wing radicals are doing with the climate skeptics and other sensible folks in various institutions. 20% seems to be enough for such a speedy arrival of a fascist atmosphere.
Read the article in The Telegraph to get familiar with the other terrifying things over there.
This is where the PC, multi-culti policies sort of inevitably lead – and this isn't necessarily the end of the process yet. It may be just an alarm telling the Britons to wake up. In a recent Internet poll, about 98% of Czechs said that they would outlaw Islamic schools etc. in Czechia. I suppose that almost all of them would extend the ban to a ban of all principals who would prefer the Islamic traditions and values at school over the traditional Czech ones.
We are not threatened by Islam in any way. There are 20,000 Muslims in Czechia, tiny 0.2%. But if we imagine that the Muslims would take over the U.K. and Western Europe including its armies etc., our military obviously wouldn't be strong enough to defend our land – without the help from someone else who would be strong enough and immune to the hypothetical Islamic pandemic – so the opinions of 98% of Czechs could very well be rendered irrelevant. This is one of the scenarios that make me think that it is important for us to remain a "sort of an ally" with Russia, too. Western Europe continues to be rich and OK but it seems too vulnerable towards many new (although not quite new, structurally speaking) major threats and diseases that seem to be arriving.
State schools isolate non-Muslimsabout a leaked official report uncovering the Islamist Blitzkrieg takeover of schools in Birmingham. Not surprisingly, it is the most widely read article in the Telegraph now and it has received almost 3,000 comments.

The latest, 2011 U.K. census says that only 3 million (5%) Britons are Muslims; they are mostly immigrants from Pakistan and their descendants, as the well-known semi-joking map above shows.
The largest Muslim population, over 200,000, lives in London but Birmingham has almost 200,000 as well. While it's the home to the second largest community of Muslims in the U.K., the concentration is much higher than it is in London. Still, you would expect that a group of something between 14% and 22% would behave as a... minority. You would be wrong.
It's actually a sufficiently high percentage for an aggressive enough group to take over the power structures in its environment. Note that 20% is slightly higher than the electorate for the "communist party" in Czechia. Those 20% are the people who were "actively keeping socialism at place" before 1989. I would say that no regime can be sustained for decades without at least 10%-15% of active believers/supporters.
The Islamization has nevertheless influenced pretty much all elementary schools in Birmingham – quite a shocking development. The most detailed troublesome results came from the Park View School.
As you can see, they describe themselves as the "Academy of Mathematics and Science". In reality, the institution has primarily turned into a hotbed of Islamofascist indoctrination. Boys and girls are "voluntarily" – which really means by intense bullying – segregated. Students who are "just" girls have to sit at the back of the classrooms. The obscurantist outfits are demanded. Sex education of any sort is impossible and even some other subjects often disappear.
The school is de facto controlled by the brother of a convicted terrorist, Razwan Taraz (official deputy principal), and Tahir Alam (an unofficial Islamic hardliner who seems to be the real puppet master, superficially a consultant). Some non-Muslim kids are not getting any education in some subjects at all. A hardcore anti-Semite and Al-Qaeda sympathizer is being routinely invited as a guest preacher. Some of the plans to Islamise the education are freely available.
The inconvenient non-Muslim principals have been fired by an orchestrated campaign involving the Islamofascist parents – a method resembling what the global warming alarmists and other left-wing radicals are doing with the climate skeptics and other sensible folks in various institutions. 20% seems to be enough for such a speedy arrival of a fascist atmosphere.
Read the article in The Telegraph to get familiar with the other terrifying things over there.
This is where the PC, multi-culti policies sort of inevitably lead – and this isn't necessarily the end of the process yet. It may be just an alarm telling the Britons to wake up. In a recent Internet poll, about 98% of Czechs said that they would outlaw Islamic schools etc. in Czechia. I suppose that almost all of them would extend the ban to a ban of all principals who would prefer the Islamic traditions and values at school over the traditional Czech ones.
We are not threatened by Islam in any way. There are 20,000 Muslims in Czechia, tiny 0.2%. But if we imagine that the Muslims would take over the U.K. and Western Europe including its armies etc., our military obviously wouldn't be strong enough to defend our land – without the help from someone else who would be strong enough and immune to the hypothetical Islamic pandemic – so the opinions of 98% of Czechs could very well be rendered irrelevant. This is one of the scenarios that make me think that it is important for us to remain a "sort of an ally" with Russia, too. Western Europe continues to be rich and OK but it seems too vulnerable towards many new (although not quite new, structurally speaking) major threats and diseases that seem to be arriving.
Islamofascists take over the "secular" school system in Birmingham
Reviewed by MCH
April 19, 2014

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