A Personal Ad Goes Oh-So Wrong!
Taylor Gayle advertises in The Town Crier for a male to date, but Max Stuart misprints her ad to indicate she’s looking for a “sadomasochistic male to mate” and includes her address. To atone for his mistakes, Max becomes her live-in protector. Now, who’s going to protect this high school librarian from the unbelievably sexy newspaper editor? And who’s going to save Max from this feisty Plain Jane’s charms?
Taylor Gayle names her plants, dulls her hair with a brown rinse, and envies her fraternal twin sister of her beauty. Max Stuart plays with noisy toys, brings home his sister's dog Muttso, and sets fire to Taylor's kitchen. The elevator in their apartment building is an accident-waiting-to-happen, but the landlady is more concerned with whether Taylor and Max are "cohabitating." Glorious Apartments are as misnamed as Progressive High School and Boomtown, Ohio. Nothing is what it seems in this slaphappy romance.
Max finds Taylor in her long skirts and oversized specs as tantalizing as a package in plain brown wrap with no return address. She thinks he looks like a CEO but can’t handle the simplest task. She thinks he’s short on ambition. He thinks she should relax. She wants a serious man. He wants a fun-loving woman. They want one another.
Neither are what they seem. But while these two fake their ways into each other’s lives, they find a love that’s real.
"This was a romance with substance as it made a statement about prejudices and finding your own true identity. With that philosophical slant, it was also humorous and endearing. Both characters are very likeable and the family dynamics realistic. It was a fun afternoon read that got me thinking." ~The Book Runner, Amazon Top 500 Reviewer
"Taylor and Max have great chemistry and the story is sweet, funny and a fabulous read. I highly recommend it!"
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Male Wanted by Betty Jo Schuler - "Sweet, funny, fabulous read"
Reviewed by DAL
February 24, 2014

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