As a part of my BETT Show presentation, I featured some of my students on video talking about their use of technology. I wanted to capture the student voice on learning in Higher Education. One of the questions I asked my students was: 'How have you used technology to enhance your learning?' The short video below features Tyla Elworthy, Alex Druce and Aaron Fisher, who are training to be teachers and in the second year of their degree programmes at Plymouth University.
Their responses to my question revealed a number of areas that teacher could focus on to improve learning environments. One important point they make, is how useful the introduction of a Twitter backchannel and hashtags can be to help students to track course related content and conversations. Blogging and social networking platforms help them to extend their thinking and also enable them to participate more deeply if they have dyslexia.
Photo by Steve Wheeler

Backchannels, hashtags and learning by Steve Wheeler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Their responses to my question revealed a number of areas that teacher could focus on to improve learning environments. One important point they make, is how useful the introduction of a Twitter backchannel and hashtags can be to help students to track course related content and conversations. Blogging and social networking platforms help them to extend their thinking and also enable them to participate more deeply if they have dyslexia.
Photo by Steve Wheeler
Backchannels, hashtags and learning by Steve Wheeler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Backchannels, hashtags and learning
Reviewed by MCH
January 21, 2014

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