After a very exciting morning of Money2020 new product announcements and visions for the future, it would be difficult to maintain the same energy level on Tuesday afternoon.
As can be seen from the hashtag tracker below, #Money2020 tweets reached a crescendo during the opening keynotes, with more than 300 tweets during the 9:00(PT) hour.
Unfortunately, the other spike in tweets represented primarily snarky comments, as attendees became restless in expectation of a major announcement from the MCX panel than never occurred. This not uncommon at events like this, where a tone is set for the day and patience grows thin when all presentations don't deliver equally.
Even without the two major tweet spikes for the hashtag #Money2020, the discussion on twitter was robust throughout the day on Tuesday as it was on Monday. The combination of comments around megatrends as well as product insights made for interesting reading at the event as well as from afar.
In just it's second year, #money2020 is to payments what Mobile World Congress is to mobile. Great, well done event and *everyone* is here.
— jake furst (@furst) October 8, 2013
Has everyone underestimated Amazon's potential to crush payments? High trust, 215 mm active accounts, pushing to Pay With Amazon.#money2020
— Kate Fitzgerald (@plasticpayments) October 8, 2013
Chat with us & our panel of experts on the future of payments innovation. 10/9 at 7:30AM PST. #Money2020. RSVP here:
— Bank of America (@BofA_News) October 8, 2013
Impressive mobile payment technology by @LoopPay: It emulates the same magnetic field as your credit card #money2020
— Erol Kazan (@ErolKazan) October 8, 2013
#Money2020 Tweet Highlight Reel Monday: AM: #mobile
— Jim Marous (@JimMarous) October 8, 2013
"Finance companies are going to need to become technology companies" -- Patrick Collison, Stripe #Money2020
— Scott Baldwin (@benry) October 8, 2013
While there were over a hundred tweets during the MCX presentation, there was minimal 'love' since the presentation was long on self promotion and short on facts or a new product announcement. The audience was obviously still stoked from the morning sequence of new product announcements from payments leaders like Amazon, PayPal, Citi, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.
Seems clear that the value prop to #MCX is all about retailers and they just said so, merchants are driving. No consumer focus? #money2020
— Suzanne LaProva (@SuzanneLaProva) October 8, 2013
There is no substance to this conversation about MCX. Disappointed. #money2020
— Erin McCune (@erinmccune) October 8, 2013
The twitter feed on MCX is way more entertaining than the panel #money2020
— Aaron McPherson (@aaronmcpherson) October 8, 2013
Why do so many "vision videos" look alike? Predicting the future is much easier than creating it. #Money2020
— Norman Guadagno (@ThinkTone) October 8, 2013
MCX represents 700M customer loyalty and payment accts... not far from the summation of Apple (575M) & Amazon (215M) #money2020
— Mike Crawford (@mccrawf7) October 8, 2013
Tons of mobile payments hype here at #money2020 -- here's a contrarian view of the challenges the industry faces.
— ngenuity Journal (@ngenuityjournal) October 8, 2013
What if we as an industry adopt the @LivingSocial mindset to create inspiration in the hearts of consumers everyday? #imagine #money2020
— Suzanne LaProva (@SuzanneLaProva) October 8, 2013
"Winners in the space will be the ones who can combine the device with the experience" @MungKiatMC #money2020
— Erla Ósk Ásgeirsdótt (@erla_osk) October 8, 2013
Jingming Li of AliPay says shops closing as more commerce goes online. Stores becoming "experience centers" for online #money2020 #China
— Scott Dueweke (@Scott_Dueweke) October 8, 2013
For emerging markets its essential to provide wallet solutions working seamless across both smartphones AND feature phones #money2020
— Jan Hallberg (@jhb_mcom) October 8, 2013
Yandex, Russia's search engine, looms large: it is 3x more popular than @google, w/ 15MM users, 50K merchant accounts- #money2020
— ngenuity Journal (@ngenuityjournal) October 8, 2013
"Let's redefine loyalty. It's not discounts or coupons but can we add value in every transaction? How do we personalize the exp?" #money2020
— Walt Cox (@waltrcox) October 8, 2013
Full house at today's LatAm session ! Read what consumer says on the topic in our latest #consumerlab rep: #money2020
— Ericsson M-Commerce (@EricssonMcomm) October 9, 2013
#money2020 question: will the bank cannibalise their own interchange revenues. My answer: Yes, but if they don't someone else will
— Dave Birch (@dgwbirch) October 9, 2013
#money2020 Hank on panel: "International transfer infrastructure can't keep pace with volume today"
— Earthport (@Earthport) October 9, 2013
Loyalty panel - Get the payment part of mobile wallets right first, then loyalty programs can be a differentiator #money2020
— anncave (@anncave) October 9, 2013
Will digital #payments in China go mainstream in the next five years? #Money2020 Panel divided. #banking #SightSpan
— Jon Stotts (@JonathanStotts) October 9, 2013
While we've been talking all day about replacing cash #money2020 @money2020, Benjamin Franklin got a makeover today.
— PinkInPayments (@PinkInPayments) October 9, 2013
Things are heating up #PayPal party aria #money2020 @ Aria Pool & Cabanas
— Daniel Weckend (@cuervodan) October 9, 2013
U.S. Bank, Monitise partner for mobile commerce #Money2020
— Mike Crawford (@mccrawf7) October 9, 2013
Bitcoin sets the agenda on day one of #Money2020 conference as digital currency remains the hot topic
— Sophie Donkin (@SophieDonkin) October 9, 2013
The 7 Most Inspirational Quotes From The First 24 Hours of #Money2020 - Anil Arora CEO of #Yodlee included
— Yodlee (@Yodlee) October 9, 2013
#Money2020 Music Downloads 'A Time for Growth''Titans of the Industry'
— Jim Marous (@JimMarous) October 8, 2013
Thanks to all of the tweeters both at Money2020 in person as well as those who are living vicariously through others (@leimer). Your coverage and commentary on the event are invaluable.
Here are the top 10 tweeters who have used the #Money2020 hashtag to date.
Tuesday Afternoon Tweets at Money2020 Combine Insightful & Snarky
Reviewed by MCH
October 09, 2013

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