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Supersymmetric Google Hangout with John Ellis

According to a 2004 SPIRES survey, the CERN particle phenomenologist John Ellis of the U.K. was the second most cited physicist in high-energy physics and, except for the third one (Steven Weinberg), the only one surpassing 50% of the citations collected by Edward Witten. ;-)

After 2004, he actually added over 170 papers with 6,000+ new citations, which, along with the new citations earned by the older papers, brought him from 33,000+ to 53,000+ now. At least in the discipline of citation collection, you should definitely not forget about John Ellis! You may also know John Ellis as a maverick who dared to disagree with the great high school teacher Walter Wagner who had calculated that the LHC would devour the Earth. Also, his CERN introduction to the Higgs field earned over half a million of views.

Most of his research has gone well beyond the Lagrangian terms on his T-shirt on the image elsewhere in this text; in other words, he's been primarily researching Beyond the Standard Model physics. Today, you may ask a question – or at least a question about supersymmetry – to him.

On Thursday, 5 pm Prague Summer Time i.e. 11 am Boston Daylight Saving Time i.e. 8 am Californian Daylight Saving Time, there will be a Google Hangout (Google+ page) with him about SUSY on Use @CERN #askcern on Twitter to ask questions. If you click at the last link so far, you will see that I have already tried to ask a super top classified question. I don't expect the true answer to be revealed but the chance is nonzero, perhaps 50-50. ;-)

Incidentally, the first tetraquark (a pair of mesons stuck together) called \(Z_c(3900)\) was discovered by Japan's Belle Experiment as well as Beijing EPC a few days ago, see e.g. Nature.

Supersymmetric Google Hangout with John Ellis Supersymmetric Google Hangout with John Ellis Reviewed by DAL on June 20, 2013 Rating: 5

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