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Ask questions to James Hansen

Today, at 5 p.m. Boston Daylight Savings Time (11 p.m. Central European Time), James Hansen will give a talk over here.

Live Video streaming by Ustream

It's being claimed that you will be allowed to ask a question when he's finished.

First, people like James Hansen would make sure that the debate is over. And then they start the debate – so that no one inconvenient may really participate it.

I am not promising you anything, however. It's plausible that only convenient questions will be allowed. So Barbara Boxer will ask whether the Oklahoma tornadoes were caused by an SUV or by some beef steaks in McDonald's. Or some other sins against the glorious left-wing delusions that women and men of her caliber believe.

If you want to waste 73 minutes, feel more than free to watch a talk that Hansen gave yesterday in front of some people who think he is a "hero". Among other things, Hansen explains that he was skipping classes in the college because he didn't want to show how ignorant he was – which made him even more ignorant. But then he found the environmental movement and ignorance was transformed to a virtue.
Ask questions to James Hansen Ask questions to James Hansen Reviewed by DAL on May 22, 2013 Rating: 5

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