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Aren’t wind farms unpopular?

Aren’t wind farms unpopular?

Many opinion polls show that the majority of people are in favour of wind power. A before and after study  by the then DTI at the UK’s first wind farm at Delabole in Cornwall showed that 80 per cent of those asked felt that it made no difference to their daily life. Six months after construction, 84 per cent of those living  nearby were found to either approve or strongly approve of wind power. A recent survey for the  Countryside Council for Wales showed that between 74 and 83 per cent of people living near three Welsh  wind farms found them acceptable developments, and 70 per cent said they would be happy to have more in the area. The Scottish Executive conducted a survey of residents near four wind farms, and 74 per cent said there was nothing they disliked about the farms while 67 per cent liked something about the farms.

 Some residents may be apprehensive about any proposed local developments. When accurate information and knowledge is made available, experience shows that initial concerns are reduced and support for wind farm schemes increases. In the Scottish Executive survey, 40 per cent of respondents anticipated problems prior to the development, but only 9 percent of respondents reported experiencing any problem onceit was built. Independent surveys typically show that 90 percent of people either support wind energy developments once they are in place, or are not concerned by them.

Aren’t wind farms unpopular? Aren’t wind farms unpopular? Reviewed by MCH on December 25, 2012 Rating: 5

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