If all goes as planned I'll be having my baby girl tomorrow! Since Josh is a pilot and he has a crazy schedule I've elected to have an induction and as long as the hospital doesn't fill up the plan is to go in tomorrow morning.
This is me a week and half ago. I am so ready to be done!
It's so funny when I look back on that awful first trimester and I literally thought the day would never come that I would be done being pregnant. But here I am! I'm really anxious and excited at the same time. I've been spending the last few days getting ready. My diaper bag is all packed and ready to take to the hospital. The nursery is just about done...
I'm having the amazing Jessica Kettle photograph a birth story for me which I am ecstatic about. She does such a beautiful job and I can't wait to share the pictures with you.
As for my blog...
I have lots of great guest posters ready for you and I'll be keeping up with Feature Fridays don't you worry. I'll also be posting here and there as I feel up to it. Jett's room was photographed last week so stay tuned for that reveal.
Wish me luck!
The Day Has Finally Come!
Reviewed by MCH
August 29, 2012

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