Another year another parade of homes!
I wasn't able to visit as many homes as I would have liked but here is a rundown of the ones I did see.
*Please note I can't give you sources for these homes. If you want to know where something comes from try contacting the builder directly*
The first home was done by Rainey Homes.
photo via Rainey Homes
I love everything about this kitchen but especially the pendant lights.
The fixture above this kitchen table is so pretty.
I love the t.v. and fireplace and surrounding built-ins.
The next home I saw was done by McArthur Homes
The next home I saw was done by McArthur Homes
What little boy wouldn't love a bed like this!
I thought the backsplash tile was really pretty with the wall color.
Wow, that is a big pillow.
The next home was done by Lane Myers Construction. It is literally a mansion at 20,222 square feet. I didn't take an exterior picture but here's one from their website to give you an idea.
Unfortunately it was pretty disappointing once you got inside. The decorating was blah. and most of the house still felt really empty.
This room was probably the most designed of all the spaces. I like the painting and the mirrors a lot.
The owner of the home is a music manager for stars like Lionel Richie and Usher.
I like the idea of two chairs at a desk for sisters.
This just made me laugh. Jett is obsessed with stuffed animals and this will surely happen to us one day if we don't stop buying them for him.
Pretty roman shade
I loved this roman shade done in the fabric I posted about last month.
I would say this roman shade was the most pattern we got in the whole home.
This chaise in the master bedroom looks super comfy and elegant.
I loved the tub and the floor grain but the roman shades could have been a little happier in my opinion.
I liked the map in the playroom.
The Kitchen is pretty glamours. Not really my style but I thought it was pretty.
The ceiling was by far my favorite part.
This little scrapbook room was cute.
I loved the custom roman shades in the arched windows.
The best part of this house was probably the door knobs.
My favorite home was done by Ivory Homes. Once again they blew the other houses out of the water in my opinion. They always put the most detail and thought (and probably money) into their parade homes.
We started out visiting the girls' room.
I really love these colors together. Lately we've seen a lot of coral with mint but I liked it with this dusty blue and green.
This bathroom was super cute. I wish I'd had better lighting to show you the true colors.
That roman shade is so happy!
This little boys room is really cute. A little more traditional but it has a lot of fun elements.
I liked a lot of things about this Living Room. I think the color palette is really soothing and the colors they have add just the right amount of "punch".
Love this coffee table arrangement.
I thought that it was a great idea to have a piano bench reupholstered in something pretty like this.
I wish I had been able to make it to more homes. I dragged Jett along to all of them with me and he was such a trooper.
He even wears the little protective booties and everything!
*Please note I can't give you sources for these homes. If you want to know where something comes from try contacting the builder directly*
Salt Lake City Parade of Homes 2012
Reviewed by MCH
August 23, 2012

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