MSNBC posted an interesting story on the CIA efforts to monitor the whole territory of the Soviet Union in the early 1970s. A spy satellite codenamed Hexagon that actually managed to photograph the whole communist empire was declassified right now.

It took pictures of everything with such an accuracy that the U.S. experts could determine the locations and type of all rockets of certain types and their precise identity. The final step was to allow the satellite fall into the ocean near Hawaii. The parachutes broke so a secret box has sunk to 5 kilometers of depth.
That wasn't the end of the story. The CIA sent the most sophisticated state-of-the-art submarine vessel and they just got it out during the third attempt in the years 1971-1972.
I wonder how far the classified technologies have gotten in the four following decades i.e. where they are today. If you're a CIA insider, let me remind you that you can't give me the answer because it is classified. Thank me very much. You're welcome. Everyone else may answer, of course. ;-)
What can they monitor? Is there a secret infrastructure in outer space that is able to cripple hostile satellites or targets on the Earth? Can they listen to foes' communication? Are some satellites ready to assist in the EMP attack against a rogue nation such as Iran to send it back to the Stone Age?
Today, the Israeli media are excited by the top story about Ehud Barak's and Binyamin Netanyahu's plans to attack Iran before November. It's a sensitive thing. Defense minister Ehud Barak isn't directly named by Haaretz but because they say that he's the most analytic mind in the Israeli government (he has degrees in physics, mathematics, as well as economics) who has a piano in the living room, everyone knows it is Ehud Barak. ;-)
I guess that they're the most sensible practitioners in charge of Israel, they know what they're doing, but if they need to convince a few more people to gain a majority, they will hopefully be able to do so. I am sure that tons of people are already working on detailed war plans.
It may be very intriguing to surgically target several nuclear targets and nothing else. I am afraid this won't be the end of the story. Israel and not only Israel must be ready for a more intensive conflict. I personally think that NATO together with Israel should topple the regime in Syria, occupy it, and use the country as the main base – together with the friends in Azerbaijan – to deal with the Iranian nuclear threat. The occupation of Syria assumes to confess that most of the organized people on the territory of that country are hostile jerks; the British government's decision to send money to Al-Qaeda "rebels" seems flabbergasting to me. How can you simultaneously waste the British taxpayer money for trying to weaken Al Qaeda and waste additional money for subsidies to nearly the same Al Qeada individuals at a different, nearby place? It's just stupid beyond imagination. Incidentally, Saudi Arabia was recently claimed by the media to be determined to shoot down Israeli aircrafts on their way to strike Iran but Israel refused these reports as invalid speculations.
The war on Iran isn't risk-free (especially for Israel and U.S. troops in the region, of course) but the alternative is obvious: an indefinite vacuous talk about diplomacy – which is nothing else than farce at this point – that is increasingly detached from the actual situation and a wishful thinking about sanctions – which only hurt some ordinary Iranians and which are (with the help of some Asian business partners) ignored by the mullahs, in fact they are used to consolidate their power. At some moment, Iran will announce that it's already sufficiently upset by the West so it has changed its mind and it really needs to build a nuclear bomb. This sudden change has of course been a part of their plan from the beginning.
All other powers in the Middle East will work hard to get their own nuclear weapons as well but well before this will become reality, you may be ready for nukes all over the Middle East and beyond that come from undetermined sources and where the Iranian contribution will always be suspected but never proved. It would be a complete mess, an obviously scary world to live in, a world in which you must be afraid of a shock every day. Living in a world with an angry Iran after some of its military and nuclear targets are flattened may also be dangerous but it is significantly less dangerous, I think.
It took pictures of everything with such an accuracy that the U.S. experts could determine the locations and type of all rockets of certain types and their precise identity. The final step was to allow the satellite fall into the ocean near Hawaii. The parachutes broke so a secret box has sunk to 5 kilometers of depth.
That wasn't the end of the story. The CIA sent the most sophisticated state-of-the-art submarine vessel and they just got it out during the third attempt in the years 1971-1972.
I wonder how far the classified technologies have gotten in the four following decades i.e. where they are today. If you're a CIA insider, let me remind you that you can't give me the answer because it is classified. Thank me very much. You're welcome. Everyone else may answer, of course. ;-)
What can they monitor? Is there a secret infrastructure in outer space that is able to cripple hostile satellites or targets on the Earth? Can they listen to foes' communication? Are some satellites ready to assist in the EMP attack against a rogue nation such as Iran to send it back to the Stone Age?
Today, the Israeli media are excited by the top story about Ehud Barak's and Binyamin Netanyahu's plans to attack Iran before November. It's a sensitive thing. Defense minister Ehud Barak isn't directly named by Haaretz but because they say that he's the most analytic mind in the Israeli government (he has degrees in physics, mathematics, as well as economics) who has a piano in the living room, everyone knows it is Ehud Barak. ;-)
I guess that they're the most sensible practitioners in charge of Israel, they know what they're doing, but if they need to convince a few more people to gain a majority, they will hopefully be able to do so. I am sure that tons of people are already working on detailed war plans.
It may be very intriguing to surgically target several nuclear targets and nothing else. I am afraid this won't be the end of the story. Israel and not only Israel must be ready for a more intensive conflict. I personally think that NATO together with Israel should topple the regime in Syria, occupy it, and use the country as the main base – together with the friends in Azerbaijan – to deal with the Iranian nuclear threat. The occupation of Syria assumes to confess that most of the organized people on the territory of that country are hostile jerks; the British government's decision to send money to Al-Qaeda "rebels" seems flabbergasting to me. How can you simultaneously waste the British taxpayer money for trying to weaken Al Qaeda and waste additional money for subsidies to nearly the same Al Qeada individuals at a different, nearby place? It's just stupid beyond imagination. Incidentally, Saudi Arabia was recently claimed by the media to be determined to shoot down Israeli aircrafts on their way to strike Iran but Israel refused these reports as invalid speculations.
The war on Iran isn't risk-free (especially for Israel and U.S. troops in the region, of course) but the alternative is obvious: an indefinite vacuous talk about diplomacy – which is nothing else than farce at this point – that is increasingly detached from the actual situation and a wishful thinking about sanctions – which only hurt some ordinary Iranians and which are (with the help of some Asian business partners) ignored by the mullahs, in fact they are used to consolidate their power. At some moment, Iran will announce that it's already sufficiently upset by the West so it has changed its mind and it really needs to build a nuclear bomb. This sudden change has of course been a part of their plan from the beginning.
All other powers in the Middle East will work hard to get their own nuclear weapons as well but well before this will become reality, you may be ready for nukes all over the Middle East and beyond that come from undetermined sources and where the Iranian contribution will always be suspected but never proved. It would be a complete mess, an obviously scary world to live in, a world in which you must be afraid of a shock every day. Living in a world with an angry Iran after some of its military and nuclear targets are flattened may also be dangerous but it is significantly less dangerous, I think.
CIA declassifies deep-sea-sunk spy satellite
Reviewed by DAL
August 11, 2012
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