About a year ago I was flipping through one of my favorite decor books and I came across this amazing art installation of cloud art.
image via The Nest Home Design Handbook
I loved how serene it was and I knew that I would somehow find a way to incorporate something like this in my home.
Jett's room has a big empty wall so this was the perfect place for our gallery wall of cloud art.
My husband is a pilot and he took all these pictures from the cockpit while he was flying which makes the art meaningful and special to us. I framed them in Ikea ribba frames and had the prints blown up at my local Walgreens.
I love love love how they turned out and Jett really loves them too. Every morning when I come get him in his room he says, "Whoa, mom look at those clouds!"
I am not the first one to attempt this project.
Check out some other great DIY Cloud art.
Amber from Amber Interior Design blew up a cloud photo for her dining room.
Erica from Tart House also incorporated this idea in her bedroom.
You can read more about her project here.
Dina from Honey and Fitz created some cloud art for her bathroom. What a perfect place to dream about clouds.
Jett's room is seriously coming along. Just a few more finishing touches and it will be done!
DIY Cloud Art
Reviewed by MCH
May 15, 2012

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