If you've been reading my blog for awhile you know I am in desperate need of a new kitchen table.
Photo by Jessica Kettle Photography
Our current table was a hand me down from my parents and while it was a fine table it was pretty beat up. If you read this post then you know that I got a great deal on some new kitchen chairs last year.
The new chairs have been amazing and have totally lightened the kitchen up. But there was still the issue of that dang table. I have really been struggling with what to do. I was nervous about white because my white chairs get pretty marked up. I didn't want to have to worry about constantly cleaning it. I didn't want dark either because my kitchen already has so much dark wood. So as a result of not knowing what to do I've done what most people do... nothing.
But if you follow me on Facebook I announced that I finally made a decision and bought a new table!
I purchased the Rustic Kitchen table from West Elm at DownEast. I got it for a great deal because there was a little bit of damage to it. I scored it for $300!
I am totally in love with it.
It has a stainless steel top which really worried me. But while I was at the store I ran my fingers all over it and it actually doesn't really show fingerprints.
I also wipe it down daily with one of my favorite cleaning products.
I love this stuff and it smells sooo good.
I really like having a little industrial vibe to my kitchen. Plus the stainless steel top keeps the kitchen from feeling too dark.
What do you guys think?
I Finally Have a New Kitchen Table!
Reviewed by MCH
April 25, 2012

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