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Needham: Omnivision Lost iPad 3 Socket to Samsung

Street Insider quotes Needham analyst Rajvindra Gill saying "OVTI has lost the image sensor socket on Apple’s next-generation iPad 3 HD to Samsung. We believe the iPad 3 will include a 5MP sensor for the back-camera and will support HD resolution. Our industry checks point to Samsung winning the socket based on price competitiveness rather than better quality/technology. Five megapixel sensors are a relatively mature technology, having existed in the marketplace for over two years, and therefore other competitors, such as Samsung, Aptina and Toshiba, have developed cost competitive sensors. On the iPhone 4S front, we still contend Sony is 100% sourced at Apple. However, OVTI is trying to ramp its BSI-2 yields to 70-80% in order to be qualified as the second source (sometime in C2Q). At this juncture, it’s still uncertain".

The full Needham report can be downloaded here. Needham adds regarding the BSI-2 yield: "Our checks indicate that OVTI’s yields on its BSI-2 8MP sensor are running at 40-50%. We believe OVTI is still trying to become the second source to Sony for the 4S in C2Q. However, we believe OVTI has to increase its yields to 70-80% in order to be considered a viable second source".

Thanks to CA for sending me the news!
Needham: Omnivision Lost iPad 3 Socket to Samsung Needham: Omnivision Lost iPad 3 Socket to Samsung Reviewed by MCH on January 20, 2012 Rating: 5

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