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Image Sensor 2012 Program

Formerly known as Image Sensors Europe, please see below a preliminary program of Image Sensors 2012 Conference which will take place in London, UK in March 20-22, 2012:

Quanta Image Sensor (QIA QIS) – a possible paradigm shift for the future
Dr Eric R. Fossum, Solid-State Image Sensor Device Physicist and Engineer, and Professor of Engineering, THAYER SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AT DARTMOUTH, US
  • Review of 1st and 2nd generation solid-state image sensors
  • Issues with physics limitations – shot noise, diffraction limit, electronics noise
  • Issues with future sensor implementation – pixel size, pixel count, read noise, full well, QE, color separation
  • The Quanta Image Sensor concept and technical challenges
  • New paradigm for image formation from QIS

Dark Current and White Blemish
Dr Nobukazu Teranishi, General Manager Image Sensor Technology, Image Sensor Business Unit, Semiconductor Company, PANASONIC CORPORATION, Japan
  • Why are they always important?
  • Stresses
  • Getterings
  • Effect and limitation of the pinned photodiode
  • Recent approaches

High performance imaging detectors for space astrophysics
Dr Samuel Harvey Moseley, Senior Astrophysicist, Laboratory for Observational Cosmology, NASA/GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER, US
  • Science goals of space astrophysics
  • Performance requirements for detectors in space applications
  • Unique problems for operating detectors in the space environment
  • Calibration requirements for detectors in space astrophysics
  • Detection systems required by future astrophysics missions

Next generation camera phones - trends and technologies
Mats Wernersson, Master Engineer - Camera Research, SONY ERICSSON, Denmark
  • Trends in the usage of cameras in mobile phones
  • Consumer needs and technology deliverables
  • What direction would we like to see taking shape?
  • Disruptive technologies and innovations which may alter future sensor usage
  • Challenges for the image sensor industry

Overview of Pixel Development for Mobile, Automotive, Industrial, and high-end DSC Applications
Dr Gennadiy Agranov, VP Imaging Technology, APTINA IMAGING, US
  • Small pixel development including latest results on BSI pixel development
  • Global shutter pixel development
  • Large pixel development for automotive, industrial, and high DSC markets
  • Pixel development for 3D and depth sensing

The impact of LED lighting on colour rendition in TV and other cameras
Richard Salmon, Lead Research Engineer, BBC RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, UK
  • How the camera sensor is different from the human eye
  • Why new LED lighting is so different from traditional studio lighting
  • Why the Colour Rendering Index, hitherto used to assess the quality of lighting, is unsuitable for quantifying lighting to be used with cameras
  • Recommendations for a TV Lighting Consistency Index
  • What factors camera sensor manufacturers might need to consider

Development of 33Mpixel 120fps CMOS image sensor for full-spec Super Hi-vision
Dr Hiroshi Shimamoto, Senior Research Engineer, NHK (JAPAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION) Science & Technology Research Laboratories, Japan
  • World’s first image sensor that covers spec requirements for “full-spec” Super Hi-vision
  • High output data rate as more than 51Gbps
  • Low power consumption as less than 2.5W
  • Newly developed on-chip ADC technology
  • Experimental image acquisition system for this sensor is under development

Trends in gesture recognition technology
Daniel Van Nieuwenhove, CTO, SOFTKINETIC, Belgium
  • Recent developments in gesture recognition technology: a review of progress to date
  • Trends in 3D time of flight cameras and gesture recognition middleware
  • A review of current and potential future applications
  • Challenges and opportunities

To Be Announced
Dr Eiichi Funatsu, Senior Manager - Sensor Division, Semiconductor Business Group, SONY CORPORATION, Japan

Challenges and opportunities in medical endoscopic imaging
Dr Koichi Mizobuchi, Deputy General Manager, Imaging Technology Development, OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION, Japan
  • History of medical endoscopy
  • Application of medical endoscopy
  • Optical light filtering technologies
  • Capsule endoscope
  • Requirements for future image sensors

Defence / military sector & future challenges for image sensors
Oscar d’Almeida, Director, Detectors Technology, R&T/Optronics and Defence Division, SAFRAN SAGEM, France
  • Main objectives for military capabilities
  • Military/defence equipments needs and requirements
  • State of the art of imaging sensors
  • Main challenges
  • Equipment: Integration and trade-off

A plenoptic image sensor for monocular 3D cameras
Dr Christian Perwass, Managing Director, RAYTRIX GmbH, Germany
  • Introduction to the image generation concept behind plenoptic cameras
  • Image generation and depth calculation from plenoptic images
  • Microlens array design for high effective spatial and depth resolution
  • Measurements and theoretical capabilities of Raytrix plenoptic cameras
  • Application examples

CMOS image sensors for non-visible applications: seeing the invisible
Dr Renato Turchetta, CMOS Sensor Design Group Leader, RUTHERFORD APPLETON LABORATORY – STFC, UK
  • Review of applications in IR, UV, X-ray
  • What is different from visible light applications:
  • Enhancing the sensitivity of silicon by coupling it to scintillators
  • A 16Mpixel sensor for high-resolution X-ray imaging
  • A wafer-scale sensor for X-ray medical imaging

Image sensors for photogrammetry and orthophoto production
Udo Tempelmann, Manager System Engineering, LEICA GEOSYSTEMS, Aerial Imaging, Switzerland
  • The challenge of highest resolution and area coverage under natural light conditions
  • How existing image sensors meet the challenge
  • Future technology requirements for aerial image sensor
  • Consumer level photogrammetric products and how they relate to classical photogrammetry
  • Synergy effects of combinations with other sensors than the classical silicon photo diode

Near- photon counting CMOS pixel
Bart Dierickx, Founder, CAELESTE, Belgium
  • Photon counting, near photon counting and classic charge integration imaging
  • How low in noise can one and must one go?
  • Caeleste’s concept to cancel 1/f and RTS noise
  • The impact of 1/f noise cancellation on overall read noise
  • Image sensor specifications

Drivers shaping healthcare imaging
Dr Martin Spahn, Senior Manager Imaging Technologies, SIEMENS, Germany
  • X-ray image sensor technology currently being used to meet patient's needs within the sector - case studies
  • Future technology requirements
  • Research and development work which will shape future applications
  • Challenges to consider

High QE, Thinned Backside-Illuminated, 3e- RoN, Fast 700fps, 1760x1760 Pixels Wave-Front Sensor Imager with Highly Parallel Readout
Mark Downing, CCD Specialist - Optical Detector Team, EUROPEAN SOUTHERN OBSERVATORY, Germany
  • The success of the next generation of extremely large ground-based optical telescopes (E-ELT, GMT, and TMT) will depend upon improving the image quality (correcting the distortion caused by atmospheric turbulence) by deploying sophisticated Adaptive Optics (AO) systems
  • One of the critical components of the AO systems for the E-ELT has been identified as the wavefront sensor detector
  • The combinations of large array size, 1760x1760 pixels needed to account for the elongation of laser guide stars (LGS), the fast frame rate of 700 (up to 1000) frames per second, the required high QE (90%), and low read out noise of 3e-makes the development of such a device extremely challenging
  • A CMOS Imager is under development with a highly parallel read out architecture consisting of over 60,000 on-chip ADCs and 88 parallel high speed LVDS ports to achieve the low read out noise at the high pixel rates of ~3 Gpixel/s (~30 GBit/s). The Imager will be thinned and backside illuminated to reach the 90% QE
  • This talk reports on the development of the full size Imager and results of Technology Demonstrators

Overview of the healthcare sector & its future requirements from image sensors
Dr Dimitra G. Darambara, Team Leader, Multimodality Molecular Imaging, Joint Department of Physics, Radiotherapy and Imaging Division, ROYAL MARSDEN NHS FOUNDATION TRUST & INSTITUTE OF CANCER RESEARCH, UK
  • Drivers shaping the healthcare sector
  • Review of state-of-the-art image sensors currently being used within the sector
  • Challenges, demands and trends for future image sensor technology
  • Quantitative imaging beyond visual interpretation
  • New concepts in medical imaging
  • Innovation vs clinical need: translation from concept to clinical practice

Intelligent video for security and increased operational efficiency
David Dorn, Applied Technologies Manager, PELCO by SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC, US
  • Video technology advances in sensors, analytics, and networks
  • State-of-the-art video security applications and systems
  • Multi-spectral imaging systems
  • Integration of sensor networks for improved analytics accuracy
  • Beyond Security - Operational uses of video to improve enterprise efficiency, reduce energy costs, and improve human safety

Imaging technologies and market trends
Dr Valerie Nguyen, Imaging Business Development Manager, CEA-LETI, France
  • Image sensors today: from image quality to sensing functions
  • Market trends and pixels everywhere
  • Multispectral imaging and key technology enablers
  • Technology perspectives

An image of security – trends and developments in modern security imaging
Ian Crosby MinstP, Head of Product Management, Imaging Competence Centre Eindhoven, BOSCH SECURITY SYSTEMS, Netherlands
  • The decurity imaging market
  • The challenges associated with security imaging
  • The early days
  • Modern imaging and intelligence
Image Sensor 2012 Program Image Sensor 2012 Program Reviewed by MCH on December 12, 2011 Rating: 5

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