Coffee, chocolate destroyed by AGW
The lower chamber of the Australian Parliament approved the AUD $22.90 per ton of CO2 carbon tax. Given the current distribution of forces, the looming approval in the Senate seems to be a formality.

Julia Gillard celebrates the "Yes" vote with Kevin Rudd. The following bedroom celebrations with Bob Brown are not shown on the picture.
Tony Abbott told the Australian businesses that they shouldn't buy any carbon indulgences because his party will rescind this Ponzi scheme on Day 1. Not too shockingly, champions of the fee called Abbott's proclamation "irresponsible".
I think that it's good that politicians are already working on future rules of business that will apply once Julia Gillard et al. is sent away from the system and her fraudulent policies are abolished. The message is that whoever actively bets on the success of this Ponzi scheme will lose his money.
Meanwhile, Al Gore has unsurprisingly endorsed the mobs occupying the Wall Street and other places on the globe.

A few days ago, the Union of Concerning Scientists (mostly puppies) has also determined that global warming will destroy coffee. It will also caused shortage of chocolate.
The reason is that coffee and chocolate are milked out of violet cows (see one of them on the picture above) which are offspring of multicultural families including brown cows and polar bears. The polar bears, the fathers of the Milka cows, will drown because they will be unable to distinguish ice from water.
When I was a schoolkid, our teachers would tell us that coffee was mostly grown near the equator where the climate is warm, e.g. at these places of Africa:

But it may have been just some communist propaganda and cold weather is the most important thing that coffee and chocolate depend upon. ;-)
A top Czech rock band, Kabát [Furcoat], "Kdovà jestli" ["Who Knows Whether"], a fun semi-intellectual song discussing various possible conspiracy theories and misconceptions. There's a lot of former social-democratic PM Joe Quimby Paroubek and Czechia's most popular (innocent?) killer Mr Jiřà KájÃnek (who was repeatedly able to escape from the prison) in the amateur-added pictures, aside from violet elephants, violet tanks etc.
The Little Ice Age was apparently caused by Man, namely by Christopher Columbus. He indirectly planted dozens trees in Europe which cooled the planet by several degrees, not to speak about his role in the pale faces' violent crippling of the Native Americans' mass production of Ford and Chevrolet cars.
The lower chamber of the Australian Parliament approved the AUD $22.90 per ton of CO2 carbon tax. Given the current distribution of forces, the looming approval in the Senate seems to be a formality.
Julia Gillard celebrates the "Yes" vote with Kevin Rudd. The following bedroom celebrations with Bob Brown are not shown on the picture.
Tony Abbott told the Australian businesses that they shouldn't buy any carbon indulgences because his party will rescind this Ponzi scheme on Day 1. Not too shockingly, champions of the fee called Abbott's proclamation "irresponsible".
I think that it's good that politicians are already working on future rules of business that will apply once Julia Gillard et al. is sent away from the system and her fraudulent policies are abolished. The message is that whoever actively bets on the success of this Ponzi scheme will lose his money.
Meanwhile, Al Gore has unsurprisingly endorsed the mobs occupying the Wall Street and other places on the globe.
A few days ago, the Union of Concerning Scientists (mostly puppies) has also determined that global warming will destroy coffee. It will also caused shortage of chocolate.
The reason is that coffee and chocolate are milked out of violet cows (see one of them on the picture above) which are offspring of multicultural families including brown cows and polar bears. The polar bears, the fathers of the Milka cows, will drown because they will be unable to distinguish ice from water.
When I was a schoolkid, our teachers would tell us that coffee was mostly grown near the equator where the climate is warm, e.g. at these places of Africa:
But it may have been just some communist propaganda and cold weather is the most important thing that coffee and chocolate depend upon. ;-)
A top Czech rock band, Kabát [Furcoat], "Kdovà jestli" ["Who Knows Whether"], a fun semi-intellectual song discussing various possible conspiracy theories and misconceptions. There's a lot of former social-democratic PM Joe Quimby Paroubek and Czechia's most popular (innocent?) killer Mr Jiřà KájÃnek (who was repeatedly able to escape from the prison) in the amateur-added pictures, aside from violet elephants, violet tanks etc.
The Little Ice Age was apparently caused by Man, namely by Christopher Columbus. He indirectly planted dozens trees in Europe which cooled the planet by several degrees, not to speak about his role in the pale faces' violent crippling of the Native Americans' mass production of Ford and Chevrolet cars.
Tony Abbott: buyers of carbon credits are throwing money out of the window
Reviewed by MCH
October 14, 2011

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