I watched about 10 hours of proceedings in the Slovak Parliament yesterday – a TV marathon I haven't tried for quite some time. The lawmakers were deciding about a vote – the expansion of the EFSF, a huge and growing European fund meant for the Europeans to share their wallets.

Ms Iveta Radičová and Ms Angela Merkel, the Slovak style vs the DDR not-so-style. ;-) By the way, Ukrainian ex-leader Ms Yulia Tymoshenko was sentenced to 7 years in prison in a trial (involving some relatively ludicrous amounts of money) that is probably illegitimate and the Czech Republic doesn't recognize its results.
The afternoon hasn't made me angry at any point and the result was good and expected (the EFSF was rejected, receiving just 55 votes out of 150). Nevertheless, it's also clear by now what the following development is going to be (the socialists will help the law to pass, just like I predicted) and I am saddened. It was the last droplet I saw and I actively want the Czech Republic to leave the EU now.
Let me give you some background.
After a few happy post-Velvet-Revolution years when the Slovak nationalist feelings were getting more freedom to grow, the final blow to Czechoslovakia as a federal country were the 1992 elections. A really crappy fat leftist emotional nationalist populist Mr Vladimír Mečiar, a former boxer, won with his HZDS movement in Slovakia which made it difficult to create a federal government with the conservative winner in in the Czech lands, Prof Václav Klaus whose IQ is about 40 points above Mečiar's, to mention just one difference. ;-)
Nah-nah-nah by No Name (Slovak band) and Chinaski (Czech band): a song celebrating the Velvet Divorce (starts at 0:47)
Both men prepared a Velvet Divorce. It has worked flawlessly (including the separation of the currencies: which was arguably easier than what it would look like in the modern Internet era). Since January 1993, Slovakia became an independent country.
The first "Mečiar years" turned Slovakia into one of the black sheep of the democratic world. Not everything was bad but many things simply sucked. However, Slovakia has later seen the arrival of "well behaved" right-wing politicians and right-wing governments that changed things. The latest government of Ms Iveta Radičová that started during the 2010 elections was the best example of the overall integrity of the Slovak right-wing politicians. Slovakia was clearly a schoolkid who is learning and who wants to be the best one. It has viewed the EU as our beloved teachers, much like most of us did right after the fall of communism.
The recent Slovak achievements were numerous. We're talking not only about the fiscal balance but also about a high growth rate and the fact that Slovakia produces more cars per capita than any other country in the world including Czechia. Slovakia has been a pioneer in the introduction of the flat tax and other progressive (not in the tax sense!) things.
Among the Visegrad Four countries (Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland), Slovakia became the only country that satisfied all the Maastricht criteria at some point so it could join the euro three years ago. (Well, Czechia could arguably do the same thing in an easy way but we were just no longer this excited about such a transition.) Even though I have been kind of Euroskeptic for many years, I still understand the pride behind this achievement. The poorer, historically more underdeveloped part of Czechoslovakia just managed to "beat" Czechia and everyone else in the post-socialist world (except for Slovenia) in this discipline. It used to be a great goal to join the traditional Western European countries.
Song "Mathematical Analysis [Calculus] Has Only Proved Bullshit". The Slovak band, The Free Europe, has its roots at my alma mater, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague, where we would listen to this song and others through the Radio Wire.
Their currencies such as the Deutsch Mark were a symbol of the real strength and value; something we surely wanted to share. Well, while I remember those sentiments from the 1980s and early 1990s, I haven't had these feelings at least since 2001 when the Czech currency began to strengthen much more quickly than any other currency in Europe and beyond. The euro which is a new theoretical construct was never something I admired although I could imagine – and I can still imagine – that it could be a helpful concept in many situations.
At the same moment and more importantly, I feel that Slovaks kind of harmed their life and finances by joining the euro. The particular story of yesterday is about €7 billion or so that Slovakia has to contribute to an expanded fund called EFSF, the eurowall: it's many times higher than the whole annual deficit of their public budget. Slovakia has the lowest income-per-capita but is supposed to pay the highest contribution-divided-by-income among all the eurozone countries. An average Slovak has to work for 300 hours to earn the money they are urged to be thrown into the toilet; the timing is just 120 hours in Germany.
Euronaivists and eurorealists
Ms Iveta Radičová is a kind of bold, right-wing lady. She's much more of an iron lady than e.g. Ms Angela Merkel and she could be viewed as a tough libertarian crusader in Germany. However, in Slovakia, she turned out to be a diluted advocate of right-wing principles in Slovakia which ultimately killed her government.
The pressure from the EU had to be amazing. She and the colleagues in her party, SDKÚ, as well as another pro-EU right-wing party, KDH, were giving vacuous speeches full of servility, group think, and celebrations of a successful currency, the euro, that isn't really successful. Instead, it is the naughtiest source of tension and risk in the contemporary global economy. We would be hearing about the "club of the best" that Slovakia managed to join. It really seemed that they failed to realize that the eurozone is the club of the cheaters where events are currently dictated by the ultimate losers. They missed that some non-eurozone countries such as Switzerland and Norway are much better off than the eurozone. They missed that even the rest of the Visegrad Four is likely to live a happier life now.
Some more mainstream Slovak music. Palo Habera: "It's In the Stars" [I want to hear something else, and now], 1991.
Many other deputies didn't miss the point. I enjoyed the sensible lectures by Mr Richard Sulík (picture with Radičová), the speaker of the Parliament and the boss of SaS (the Freedom and Solidarity), the main libertarian party that was behind the rejection of the EFSF bill. His fellow SaS members largely agreed with him and made some extra points. I had the feeling that many people from the OKS (Civic Conservative Party, clearly meant to imitate Klaus's original ODS in Czechia but having much weaker results over there because they don't really have any Klaus over there; OKS deputies were elected under the mixed Slovak-Hungarian multi-party Most-Híd-Bridge) as well as The Ordinary People (who are still members of the SaS club: SaS allowed them to run as independents) were saying the same thing.
The nationalists in SNS, the Slovak National Party, offered their expected anti-EU tirades but in this case, they were just completely right. I have never liked this party but these European discussions divided the Parliament along a very new dimension and I was surely in agreement with most of their comments.
Ms Radičová found it so important to toe the European party line – to be sure that Slovakia won't be an exception – that she had linked the EFSF vote to the no-confidence vote about her government. And maybe this idea was invented by someone else from her environment who just wanted to end her political career. At any rate, she stupidly agreed. And of course that she lost the no-confidence vote. SaS made it very clear in advance that they would vote against the expansion of EFSF regardless of any other details about the vote because it is a matter of principles for SaS.
A deputy was saying that the merger of the two questions was just like when you ask "Do you like 'bryndzové halušky' and 'sex with animals'? Answer by one word." Recall that 'bryndzové halušky' are some kind of small Slovak dumplings I once vomited after in Malá Fatra Mountains (as a kid haha: so I may answer "No" to this contrived question). However, proper Slovaks don't know how to answer because they like 'bryndzové halušky' but not sex with animals. A very accurate analogy, indeed.
At any rate, it was guaranteed that her government would lose the no-confidence vote. The numbers make it obvious that it wasn't just SaS that voted against the move: 55 out of 150 votes is just too little. Much of the afternoon was dedicated to a blame game: who is responsible for the fall of the government?
Well, both parts of the government coalition – SaS that wanted to respect the rules of the coalition treaty; as well as Ms Radičová and others who wanted to join the brainwashed European group think – participated in the collapse of the government. A very lousy strategic thinking and forecasting abilities by Ms Radičová are the main culprit as far as your humble correspondent can say: if politics is like chess, she is simply a horrible player.
Some lawmakers said that the main culprit was Uncle (Ujo) Testosterone, maybe even some of it inside Ms Radičová's cardiovascular system. ;-)
But what I find important is that this is not a legitimate question because the survival of the Slovak government wasn't the only thing that was being decided by the vote. The vote was originally about EFSF and people simply voted it down. Ms Radičová decided for a kamikaze act so that she linked the death of her government to this "No" vote. Unfortunately, this "No" vote will be irrelevant, just like I predicted, because there will soon be a second vote in which the social democratic populists of Mr Robert Fico and Smer (Direction) will support the eurowall.
What she did was simply stupid, stupid, stupid. Even though she brought many good values to the Slovak politics, I am afraid that this degree of stupidity is just too bad and possibly incompatible with being a top politician.
So what will be the result of these stories? In a few days, the EFSF extension will be approved in Slovakia. So the main result is that one of the most successful and most responsible European governments will have been destroyed by the vibrations surrounding a project whose very goal is to prolong the life of the crappiest governments of Europe. It's the very openly declared goal of EFSF that they want to allow irresponsible ass*oles such as the Greek politicians (and similar people in various banks) to continue their financially atrocious behavior, to delay their bankruptcy indefinitely.
The result of these mechanisms is that ass*oles who should have been arrested (and unable to spend a penny!) for years are allowed to continue and avoid bankruptcy while the best people are being effectively fired from their jobs, often by the very losers responsible for many of the biggest problems. This is how the European Union works today and it's as bad as the Soviet Union and from some respects, it's even worse. I don't want to see my own country controlled by some naively pro-European mindless brainwashed zombies who are servile to f*cking stupid totalitarian European failed ass*oles. I don't want the deputies in my homeland to pour f*ces on their head, happily screaming how great it is to lick the as*es of the f*cking European assh*oles, how honored we are that we are allowed to endorse yet another idiocy that was invented by these assh*les because by licking the as*es of shitheads all the time, we are making sure that our voice is being heard (our tongue is being heard as it licks the as*es).
I have seen enough and I want the Czech Republic to leave the EUSSR now.
There were some articles and reactions that just stunned me. For example, a copy of a Reuters article at First Post says that "a tiny country is holding the global economy to ransom". Wow, what an incredible fascist headline.
First of all, Slovakia is not a tiny country. It is a medium-size country that is about 5.5 million times greater than the f*cked-up assh*le who invented the title. Second of all, Slovakia isn't holding anyone to ransom. It's a couple of the European ass*oles and parasites – e.g. the citizens of Greeks – who demanded a ransom (€7 billion) from Slovakia: Slovakia doesn't want anything from the world so the headline is upside down. During the first and only genuine vote, Slovakia rejected this blackmailing. The only thing Slovakia dared to do was to freely democratically decide about the money it has earned. But freedom, democracy, and ownership rights are something that the f*cked-up fascist and communist advocates of continental and global communist funds to "save" the assh*les and losers from the wallets of those who do useful work have no respect to.
"The Soil Will Be Light For Me," by Ms Jana Kirschner (SK) and Mr Petr Hapka (CZ). This is a kind of a song (in Czech) you may have sung in a duet if you're Czech and if you've ever had a Slovak GF. ;-)
Sadly enough, the votes will be repeated as many times as what is needed to needed to achieve the result that the European communist assh*les consider "correct" i.e. what is needed to keep all the failed parasites and spastics in governments (and some banks), what is needed for morally decayed nations and living zombies such as the Greeks to keep on piling their giant debt. And those who know that this is not right are forced to pay and sometimes they're even being bullied by the fascist scum in the media and probably not only in the media. Meanwhile, failed politicians such as the social democratic populist Fico – who is so similar to the socialist junk politicians in Greece – are getting a positive boost from all these mechanisms and all these events. Meanwhile, Greece has enough money so that it has bought 400 tanks from the U.S.
It's disgusting. I want the failed governments to go bankrupt and the politicians who are screwing the world to be gradually kicked out of politics. What's happening is just the opposite of what I want.
Ms Iveta Radičová and Ms Angela Merkel, the Slovak style vs the DDR not-so-style. ;-) By the way, Ukrainian ex-leader Ms Yulia Tymoshenko was sentenced to 7 years in prison in a trial (involving some relatively ludicrous amounts of money) that is probably illegitimate and the Czech Republic doesn't recognize its results.
The afternoon hasn't made me angry at any point and the result was good and expected (the EFSF was rejected, receiving just 55 votes out of 150). Nevertheless, it's also clear by now what the following development is going to be (the socialists will help the law to pass, just like I predicted) and I am saddened. It was the last droplet I saw and I actively want the Czech Republic to leave the EU now.
Let me give you some background.
After a few happy post-Velvet-Revolution years when the Slovak nationalist feelings were getting more freedom to grow, the final blow to Czechoslovakia as a federal country were the 1992 elections. A really crappy fat leftist emotional nationalist populist Mr Vladimír Mečiar, a former boxer, won with his HZDS movement in Slovakia which made it difficult to create a federal government with the conservative winner in in the Czech lands, Prof Václav Klaus whose IQ is about 40 points above Mečiar's, to mention just one difference. ;-)
Nah-nah-nah by No Name (Slovak band) and Chinaski (Czech band): a song celebrating the Velvet Divorce (starts at 0:47)
Both men prepared a Velvet Divorce. It has worked flawlessly (including the separation of the currencies: which was arguably easier than what it would look like in the modern Internet era). Since January 1993, Slovakia became an independent country.
The first "Mečiar years" turned Slovakia into one of the black sheep of the democratic world. Not everything was bad but many things simply sucked. However, Slovakia has later seen the arrival of "well behaved" right-wing politicians and right-wing governments that changed things. The latest government of Ms Iveta Radičová that started during the 2010 elections was the best example of the overall integrity of the Slovak right-wing politicians. Slovakia was clearly a schoolkid who is learning and who wants to be the best one. It has viewed the EU as our beloved teachers, much like most of us did right after the fall of communism.
The recent Slovak achievements were numerous. We're talking not only about the fiscal balance but also about a high growth rate and the fact that Slovakia produces more cars per capita than any other country in the world including Czechia. Slovakia has been a pioneer in the introduction of the flat tax and other progressive (not in the tax sense!) things.
Among the Visegrad Four countries (Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland), Slovakia became the only country that satisfied all the Maastricht criteria at some point so it could join the euro three years ago. (Well, Czechia could arguably do the same thing in an easy way but we were just no longer this excited about such a transition.) Even though I have been kind of Euroskeptic for many years, I still understand the pride behind this achievement. The poorer, historically more underdeveloped part of Czechoslovakia just managed to "beat" Czechia and everyone else in the post-socialist world (except for Slovenia) in this discipline. It used to be a great goal to join the traditional Western European countries.
Song "Mathematical Analysis [Calculus] Has Only Proved Bullshit". The Slovak band, The Free Europe, has its roots at my alma mater, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague, where we would listen to this song and others through the Radio Wire.
Their currencies such as the Deutsch Mark were a symbol of the real strength and value; something we surely wanted to share. Well, while I remember those sentiments from the 1980s and early 1990s, I haven't had these feelings at least since 2001 when the Czech currency began to strengthen much more quickly than any other currency in Europe and beyond. The euro which is a new theoretical construct was never something I admired although I could imagine – and I can still imagine – that it could be a helpful concept in many situations.
At the same moment and more importantly, I feel that Slovaks kind of harmed their life and finances by joining the euro. The particular story of yesterday is about €7 billion or so that Slovakia has to contribute to an expanded fund called EFSF, the eurowall: it's many times higher than the whole annual deficit of their public budget. Slovakia has the lowest income-per-capita but is supposed to pay the highest contribution-divided-by-income among all the eurozone countries. An average Slovak has to work for 300 hours to earn the money they are urged to be thrown into the toilet; the timing is just 120 hours in Germany.
Euronaivists and eurorealists
Ms Iveta Radičová is a kind of bold, right-wing lady. She's much more of an iron lady than e.g. Ms Angela Merkel and she could be viewed as a tough libertarian crusader in Germany. However, in Slovakia, she turned out to be a diluted advocate of right-wing principles in Slovakia which ultimately killed her government.
The pressure from the EU had to be amazing. She and the colleagues in her party, SDKÚ, as well as another pro-EU right-wing party, KDH, were giving vacuous speeches full of servility, group think, and celebrations of a successful currency, the euro, that isn't really successful. Instead, it is the naughtiest source of tension and risk in the contemporary global economy. We would be hearing about the "club of the best" that Slovakia managed to join. It really seemed that they failed to realize that the eurozone is the club of the cheaters where events are currently dictated by the ultimate losers. They missed that some non-eurozone countries such as Switzerland and Norway are much better off than the eurozone. They missed that even the rest of the Visegrad Four is likely to live a happier life now.
Some more mainstream Slovak music. Palo Habera: "It's In the Stars" [I want to hear something else, and now], 1991.
The nationalists in SNS, the Slovak National Party, offered their expected anti-EU tirades but in this case, they were just completely right. I have never liked this party but these European discussions divided the Parliament along a very new dimension and I was surely in agreement with most of their comments.
Ms Radičová found it so important to toe the European party line – to be sure that Slovakia won't be an exception – that she had linked the EFSF vote to the no-confidence vote about her government. And maybe this idea was invented by someone else from her environment who just wanted to end her political career. At any rate, she stupidly agreed. And of course that she lost the no-confidence vote. SaS made it very clear in advance that they would vote against the expansion of EFSF regardless of any other details about the vote because it is a matter of principles for SaS.
A deputy was saying that the merger of the two questions was just like when you ask "Do you like 'bryndzové halušky' and 'sex with animals'? Answer by one word." Recall that 'bryndzové halušky' are some kind of small Slovak dumplings I once vomited after in Malá Fatra Mountains (as a kid haha: so I may answer "No" to this contrived question). However, proper Slovaks don't know how to answer because they like 'bryndzové halušky' but not sex with animals. A very accurate analogy, indeed.
At any rate, it was guaranteed that her government would lose the no-confidence vote. The numbers make it obvious that it wasn't just SaS that voted against the move: 55 out of 150 votes is just too little. Much of the afternoon was dedicated to a blame game: who is responsible for the fall of the government?
Well, both parts of the government coalition – SaS that wanted to respect the rules of the coalition treaty; as well as Ms Radičová and others who wanted to join the brainwashed European group think – participated in the collapse of the government. A very lousy strategic thinking and forecasting abilities by Ms Radičová are the main culprit as far as your humble correspondent can say: if politics is like chess, she is simply a horrible player.
Some lawmakers said that the main culprit was Uncle (Ujo) Testosterone, maybe even some of it inside Ms Radičová's cardiovascular system. ;-)
But what I find important is that this is not a legitimate question because the survival of the Slovak government wasn't the only thing that was being decided by the vote. The vote was originally about EFSF and people simply voted it down. Ms Radičová decided for a kamikaze act so that she linked the death of her government to this "No" vote. Unfortunately, this "No" vote will be irrelevant, just like I predicted, because there will soon be a second vote in which the social democratic populists of Mr Robert Fico and Smer (Direction) will support the eurowall.
What she did was simply stupid, stupid, stupid. Even though she brought many good values to the Slovak politics, I am afraid that this degree of stupidity is just too bad and possibly incompatible with being a top politician.
So what will be the result of these stories? In a few days, the EFSF extension will be approved in Slovakia. So the main result is that one of the most successful and most responsible European governments will have been destroyed by the vibrations surrounding a project whose very goal is to prolong the life of the crappiest governments of Europe. It's the very openly declared goal of EFSF that they want to allow irresponsible ass*oles such as the Greek politicians (and similar people in various banks) to continue their financially atrocious behavior, to delay their bankruptcy indefinitely.
The result of these mechanisms is that ass*oles who should have been arrested (and unable to spend a penny!) for years are allowed to continue and avoid bankruptcy while the best people are being effectively fired from their jobs, often by the very losers responsible for many of the biggest problems. This is how the European Union works today and it's as bad as the Soviet Union and from some respects, it's even worse. I don't want to see my own country controlled by some naively pro-European mindless brainwashed zombies who are servile to f*cking stupid totalitarian European failed ass*oles. I don't want the deputies in my homeland to pour f*ces on their head, happily screaming how great it is to lick the as*es of the f*cking European assh*oles, how honored we are that we are allowed to endorse yet another idiocy that was invented by these assh*les because by licking the as*es of shitheads all the time, we are making sure that our voice is being heard (our tongue is being heard as it licks the as*es).
I have seen enough and I want the Czech Republic to leave the EUSSR now.
There were some articles and reactions that just stunned me. For example, a copy of a Reuters article at First Post says that "a tiny country is holding the global economy to ransom". Wow, what an incredible fascist headline.
First of all, Slovakia is not a tiny country. It is a medium-size country that is about 5.5 million times greater than the f*cked-up assh*le who invented the title. Second of all, Slovakia isn't holding anyone to ransom. It's a couple of the European ass*oles and parasites – e.g. the citizens of Greeks – who demanded a ransom (€7 billion) from Slovakia: Slovakia doesn't want anything from the world so the headline is upside down. During the first and only genuine vote, Slovakia rejected this blackmailing. The only thing Slovakia dared to do was to freely democratically decide about the money it has earned. But freedom, democracy, and ownership rights are something that the f*cked-up fascist and communist advocates of continental and global communist funds to "save" the assh*les and losers from the wallets of those who do useful work have no respect to.
"The Soil Will Be Light For Me," by Ms Jana Kirschner (SK) and Mr Petr Hapka (CZ). This is a kind of a song (in Czech) you may have sung in a duet if you're Czech and if you've ever had a Slovak GF. ;-)
Sadly enough, the votes will be repeated as many times as what is needed to needed to achieve the result that the European communist assh*les consider "correct" i.e. what is needed to keep all the failed parasites and spastics in governments (and some banks), what is needed for morally decayed nations and living zombies such as the Greeks to keep on piling their giant debt. And those who know that this is not right are forced to pay and sometimes they're even being bullied by the fascist scum in the media and probably not only in the media. Meanwhile, failed politicians such as the social democratic populist Fico – who is so similar to the socialist junk politicians in Greece – are getting a positive boost from all these mechanisms and all these events. Meanwhile, Greece has enough money so that it has bought 400 tanks from the U.S.
It's disgusting. I want the failed governments to go bankrupt and the politicians who are screwing the world to be gradually kicked out of politics. What's happening is just the opposite of what I want.
European fiscal communism destroys Slovak government
Reviewed by MCH
October 11, 2011

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