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What I Love About Christine from Bijou and Boheme

Christine is witty, stylish and a fabulous blogger. Her blog is full of the most amazing eye candy! I love the flirty and feminine nature that exudes from her chic blog. I asked her to share some of the things that she loves with us and here is what she said!

I moved to Oakville, Ontario just before getting married in 2005.  I had lived in the city (Toronto) for many years prior and was very hesitant about relocating to the 'burbs' but am now so thrilled to call this place home.  We live within walking distance of a beautiful historic downtown that if filled to the brim with quaint shops and fabulous restaurants.  The streets are all lined with gorgeous old trees and because the transit is literally a stone's throw from my house, we live quite happily with one car.  Toronto is just a very quick train or car commute and really living here gives us the best of both worlds.  And what I love about the big city itself, almost everything.  Toronto is home to such a rich cultural and artistic community- it truly has something for everyone.  I adore how the streets are filled with people from all over the world and  how with this, comes a true sense of a global culture.  And as for the house itself, I love it because it's where my family is.  Simple.  I'm also quite pleased that this little abode is slowly turning into my dream home- one makeover at a time;)

I love everything about interior design and I've known this since imagining and then creating my first pair of curtains for my house at the age of 13.  I think what draws me most to it is simply the creativity that's involved in putting something beautiful together.  I adore a good hunt and being able to see ideas turn into reality, is such an uplifting thing.  Flipping through the latest issue of my favorite shelter mag is honestly my idea of heaven and I'm constantly amazed at how seeing beautiful inspiration pictures can literally change the way I see and look at the world.  I love that design, by it's very nature, can never be static.  I love the inherent surprise of it all.  Having said all of that, what I admire most about interior design is how open is. Imagining a space and seeing inspiration in everything from a picture of a gorgeous room, to a poem, to a beautiful scripted logo, to a garden so exhilarating.

I love how images from so many different places can suddenly seem to leap off the page and mold together to form inspiration for your own space.  The collection of such images can lead you to such fabulous places.

This world of blogging is so new to me and has already given me more than I can say.  My daily reads open the world to a place filled with people who love the same kinds of things I love and whose talent always amazes me.  I am constantly inspired by the things I see and read on blogs and am so thankful that this part of my life has come to be as important to me as it has. I adore how blogging gives you a place to have a voice- a place to really be you.  It's shown me beautiful rooms,beautiful fashion, beautiful words and most importantly beautiful people.  Through it, I have been introduced me to some of the most generous and wonderfully spirited people I have ever met.  I love that blogs are a constant source of support and encouragement.
They allow you to be humble and proud all in the same breath and make  this huge planet of ours feel just a little bit smaller.
I am inspired everyday by so many lovely reads.
Right now, I'm completely enamoured with The Nero Chronicles for its gorgeous writing, Haute Design for its endlessly chic style, The Alternative Wife for it's beauty and fashion and This is Glamorous for its inspired feminine style.

This one is a no brainer.  What I love very most about my life is my family...nothing will ever be as important or as amazing as them.
I love that I'm a mom and a wife- it's really all I remember dreaming of when I was little.  I was totally the girl who imagined her wedding, thought of her prince charming and named all of her like age 8.
My life right now is pretty much exactly how I pictured it so many years ago, only better.

Three words and in no particular order....Pink, iPhone, leopard.

Thanks so much Kirsten for having me!

Thanks Christine! Make sure you check out her blog!
What I Love About Christine from Bijou and Boheme What I Love About Christine from Bijou and Boheme Reviewed by MCH on February 03, 2011 Rating: 5

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