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Alt so Far

Alt has been amazing thus far. I feel like I can't scribble down notes fast enough during the classes. I'll give you the full rundown next week but I'll just give you a little idea of what the week has been like. 

First of all let me tell you how I was even able to attend this wonderful conference. I was dying to go but not sure how I would fork over the $400 price tag for registration. Luckily  a generous and new up-and-coming company called Just Shorn sponsored my ticked for the summit. They also sponsored a night at the Little America Hotel. It was fabulous. I stayed up really late with my friend and fellow designer Caitlin Creer talking about clients, blogging and a fun collaboration that I'll be telling you about later.  

Wednesday was spent at presentation from the Just Shorn team. Their company is so so so great. I had such a good time learning about wool rugs and sustainability. 

Today I arrived early and spent my time soaking up every single word in the classes. I have so many new goals for my blog that I can't wait to share with you. Tomorrow is a whole new day of learning. I'll have my pen and notebook ready!

Alt so Far Alt so Far Reviewed by MCH on January 20, 2011 Rating: 5

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