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Bill Maher disturbed by Islamization

If you include all the mutations of the name, Mohammed has become the most frequent name of newborn boys in the United Kingdom: Google News. Olivia is, so far, the most frequent name given to newborn girls.

Allah Save the Queen!

I think it is a pretty scary symbol of the direction that the demographics of many Western countries have taken. In his TV show, Bill Maher revealed that he is worried, too. His worries were confirmed and strengthened when he learned that the Sharia Law is already used as a parallel system of courts in the U.K.

Juan Williams was recently fired from NPR just for stating that he gets nervous if his fellow airline passengers are dressed in a Muslim way. So do I and I think that most non-Muslims do - but I also start to think about the best ways to do "let's roll" in the case that it's needed. :-)

Well, I actually have the same thought even if I see an Arab; the Muslim garb is not the real issue because e.g. all the 9/11 hijackers were dressed in Western clothes. But I suppose that if Williams said that it was the Arab looks that made him worry on the airplane, it would be even worse for the PC police. So the criticism that he doesn't appreciate that the hijackers try to be invisible is really hypocritical.

His is a completely rational reaction: if a sufficiently assertive Muslim is on board, the probability of critical problems with the aircraft significantly increases: just compute it. It doesn't matter whether you associate the elevated risk with the religion or the race because in most cases, the two criteria coincide: it's more important that the risk is elevated. It's bad if NPR wants to punish the people - and its own people - for reacting rationally.

In the past centuries, our ancestors would fight against the Muslims and the expansion of the Turks and other nations to Europe. I don't think that there was anything wrong about this defense. They may have lived in feudalism and their science was much more primitive but they were right about this point.

The political correctness transforms millions of people in the West to building blocks of the fifth column of jihad. And it's worrisome for those of us who think that the Islamic societies are not as human and desirable as the Western ones.

Click to zoom in.

One must realize that different countries are influenced to a completely different extent. The map above shows that while Norway, Sweden, Baltic states, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Italy, and a few others remain below 1% of the Muslim population, France is already near 10% and other large EU countries such as Britain, Spain, Germany, Benelux are approaching 5% or so.

A combination of immigration and the natality gap may make the Muslims a majority in 2 generations - in countries such as France. And maybe one generation. Immigration represents 85% of the growth of the European Muslims right now. The previous link also suggests that the Muslim population has the potential to double within a decade. With this rate, France needs just 20 years or so to become a dominantly Muslim country.

Newborns in Czechia

Just for fun, it's interesting to see what are the most frequent names in a country of "infidels" such as Czechia. I find it kind of shocking, in a very positive way. The data are from early 2010.

One can see that the popular names are changing with time. The most frequent names of fresh mothers - which reflects the popular names of newborn girls in the 1970s and 1980s, i.e. late stages of socialism - are
1. Jana [Jane], big gap,
2. Petra
3. Lenka
They're the most likely names to attract adult men these days. ;-)

None of them is too popular for the newborns today. In fact, only Kateřina [Catherine], Lucie [Lucy], and Veronika [Veronica] appear in the intersection of the frequent names of mothers and daughters.

The most frequent names of fresh fathers are
1. Petr [Peter], big gap,
2. Martin
3. Jan [John]
4. Jiří [George]
5. Pavel [Paul]
The intersection of fathers and sons is dominated by Jan [John], Tomáš [Thomas], and David. Note that these are pretty civilian names in average: the last three names are among the four members of the Beatles (we don't use Ringo here). But what is kind of fascinating are the current frequent names of newborns.

Click to zoom in.

The girls are clearly led by Tereza [Theresa] which is a pretty Christian name if you remember Mother Theresa. This dominant name is followed by Anna [Anne] - which is very old-fashioned in the Czech context and people used to think it was going extinct two decades ago. The bronze medal goes to Eliška [Elise]. Karolína and Natálie [Caroline and Natalia] follow.

All these names are pretty old-fashioned. If you say "Karolína" or "Eliška" to people of my generation, we usually think of "Karolina Světlá" and "Eliška Krásnohorská", two (largely) 19th century Czech female writers who were kind of feminists. OK, sorry, I don't want to insult Světlá who wasn't really a feminist. ;-) Feminism in the Czech lands peaked in the 19th century; at that time, the culture was not yet sufficiently advanced for the women to realize that feminism was a shallow trap they had to overcome (which they eventually did).

But this return to the roots is nothing compared to the currently most frequent newborn boys' names.

Click to zoom in.

The leadership was regained by Jan [John], followed by Jakub, Tomáš, Lukáš, Filip [Jacob, Thomas, Luke, Philip]. Vojtěch, Ondřej, David, Adam [Albert, Andrew, David, Adam] are in the top ten, too.

It's even more remarkable if you look at the top 3-4 lists in the regions. Take the Pilsner region, for example - the second one from the West. You see:
1. Matěj [Matthew]
2. Jakub [Jacob]
3. Jan [John]
4. Lukáš [Luke]
Now, recall that the four gospels were written by Matthew, Mark, John, and Luke. Three of the four names are among the top four most frequent newborn boy names in the atheist Pilsner region. Recall that only 1-2% of the Pilsner region attends the church regularly. Isn't it funny?

(OK, I am improving the story a bit by not mentioning that "Matěj" is a 2nd-layer Czech variation of Matthew. The author of the gospel is actually referred to "Matouš" which is itself a newer version of an even older name, "Matyáš". All these variations are still being used.)

Mark is also relatively frequent but no longer in the top ten. Instead, among the authors of gospel, Mark was replaced by Jacob who didn't write his own gospel but he was at least the third patriarch of the Jewish people, a leader also known as Israel. ;-)

There are lots of names that people could have chosen if they wanted their baby to have non-religious names - like Luboš or Markéta, to mention two examples haha. About 200-300 names are being used each month: see a calendar with the name day we celebrate each day. (The out-of-calendar names recently given to babies include curiosities such as Chloe, Ban Mai, Megan, Uljana, Gaia, Graciela, Malvína, and Ribana for girls - as well as Abdev, Dean, Ronny, Timothy, Diviš, Kelvin, Lev, and Maxián for boys.)

But that's not what's happening. So I would say that despite the widespread atheism, the inclination of the people to preserve the Christian roots and traditions is significant. I guess that if the proportion of the Muslims grew above 2% and they would cause 10% of the problems they cause in France, parties that wouldn't consider the Islamization to be a sensitive problem and a potential threat would be quickly be moved to the political fringe of my homeland.

However, it's not 100% guaranteed that the current evolution of the European Union will actually allow us - and other European nations - to decide about these existential questions such as the regulation of immigration flows.

The main "active" promotion of the harmful developments probably comes from France. Germany has had a lot of workers from Turkey - for various reasons. The Germans used to think that the Turks stayed in Germany temporarily. Time was needed to show that this expectation was wrong. The Germans seem to realize that "multi kulti", as Angela Merkel and others call it, doesn't work.

This satirical map of Europe in 2015 shows the dominant Muslim nations that are gradually overtaking individual countries.

However, France seems to be actively supporting the rise of Islam in Europe already today.
Bill Maher disturbed by Islamization Bill Maher disturbed by Islamization Reviewed by MCH on October 31, 2010 Rating: 5

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