UPDATE: The doc has aired, and Joey has posted a ton of pictures and background info on his blog. Neat stuff, and definitely worth a look.

Just a quick heads-up to make sure to catch JoeyL's documentary tonight at 10pm on Ovation TV. I saw an early version, and it is definitely worth your time.
It's easy to want to poke fun at someone who is so successful at such a young age. And between you and me I try to every chance I get. But if you watch this thing tonight I think you will come away with a good impression of who he really is and what is motivating him to do such amazing stuff.
If you do not get Ovation TV, he has arranged for a DVD pressing and will have them available via his blog. No idea on pricing, etc. (And w/Joey, you really never know...)
But if you have access to Ovation TV, don't miss it. I am very much looking forward to it tonight.

Just a quick heads-up to make sure to catch JoeyL's documentary tonight at 10pm on Ovation TV. I saw an early version, and it is definitely worth your time.
It's easy to want to poke fun at someone who is so successful at such a young age. And between you and me I try to every chance I get. But if you watch this thing tonight I think you will come away with a good impression of who he really is and what is motivating him to do such amazing stuff.
If you do not get Ovation TV, he has arranged for a DVD pressing and will have them available via his blog. No idea on pricing, etc. (And w/Joey, you really never know...)
But if you have access to Ovation TV, don't miss it. I am very much looking forward to it tonight.
JoeyL is on Ovation TV Tonight
Reviewed by MCH
September 26, 2010

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