My feeling, to be perfectly frank, is that the window box exists for no other purpose in life than to take the dings that would other wise visit the figure inside, and once that box serves it's sole purpose in life - to deliver the figure in perfect display condition to you - it has no other function except to give gracious employment to your local refuse services.
Look folks, get over the occasional dinged corner or slightly scratched up plastic cover on the window box of a figure. It's trash anyway. You know, I had a guy want to return a figure once because the tissue paper wrapping around the box was slightly torn. Dude, WTF! I know there are a lot of 'collectors' out there, I'm one too and I have nothing but the utmost respect for you folks, but for crying out loud - take your figures out of the boxes! I have over Anime 800 figures in my personal collection and I don't have one single window box they came in. I really don't understand how anyone can fully enjoy their investment in a $100 or $200 Anime figure with it still in the original box.
So who cares about the box! Forget it! Your gal has ridden 10,000 miles in that box and wants to get out! Get rid of those stupid boxes and let your figures breath real fresh air! Play with them! Admire them! Show them off! Life is far too short to do otherwise.
And for the record, we won't stop picking and packing your figures so that the damn BOXES arrive in mint condition as well as the much more important figure inside - if it's important to you, it's important to us - I just had to vent a little. Flame me to your hearts content - I can take it! :-)
I'm An Outta Box Kinda Guy...
Reviewed by MCH
August 12, 2010

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