If you thought you knew everything there is to know about chocolate, think again! This world famous decadent dessert certainly has some dark secrets of its own - a treasure that has been enriched over the past three centuries. Try the following trivia and sharpen your knowledge of the indulgent, yet exquisite confection. Check out the links and learn more about your favorite sweet on Google Books.

(Photo by Suat Eman)
Q: Which ancient civilizations were the first to discover chocolate?
A. The Aztecs and the Mayans of Central America - (The taste of chocolate has only been perfected ever since.)
Q. Where is the world’s largest chocolate museum?
A. Cologne Chocolate Museum in Germany - (Here’s where the flavours are immortalized.)
Q. In which city was the world’s largest chocolate sculpted?
A. Milan, Italy. In May, 2010, Italian chocolatier, Mirco Della Vecchia sculpted a 1.5 meters tall, Dome of Milan, to bag the Guinness World Record for the largest ever chocolate art. (Beat that!)
Q. Where is the world’s largest chocolate factory?
A. No, it’s neither Willy Wonka’s nor Charlie’s chocolate factory. It's Hershey's, in Pennsylvania.
(In 1940, an emergency ration: a Hershey’s chocolate bar, served at Fort Myers. Photo: LIFE Magazine)
Q. In which city is Ghirardelli headquartered?
A. San Leandro, California (Did I hear San Fransisco? If yes, give yourself half a point, as it was first incorporated and formerly headquartered in San Francisco.)
Q. Which country is the largest consumer of chocolate?
A. Switzerland... Swiss Chocolate, anyone?
Q. Which country is the largest cocoa bean producer?
A. Côte d'Ivoire (44% of all the cocoa beans exported in the world come from this West African nation.)
Q. What is the scientific name for chocolate?
A. Theobroma cacao (Try saying that five times fast!)
Q. Name a beneficial health effect of chocolate?
A. Chocolate enhances the circulatory system. (Flavanoids in chocolate increase antioxidants in the blood, protecting against heart damage.)
Q. Name the author of the best-selling book, Chocolat, which was later made into a Hollywood blockbuster starring Juliette Binoche and Johnny Depp?
A. Joanne Harris (Why is it that the book is always better than the movie?)
- 0-2: You’re a choco-novice!
- 3-5: You’re choco-connoisseur!
- 6-8: You’re a choco-guru!
- 9-10: You’re a choco-holic!
Chocolate... in a nutshell!
Reviewed by MCH
August 17, 2010

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